
Manadhlaer's Diary: Many Meetings, One Letter

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Well, Diary. Today's entry is a little unusual. But then unusual seems to be my usual condition of late.

Exiting the Hall of Fire -- the usual music, dancing, wine, all very much the same, although there was a new elleth and meeting her was very pleasant; Fingolian proposed to return to his home in the Golden Wood, and was given a great deal of well-meaning advice, not least about the pass. If only he had the sheer muscularity of the letter I came home to -- but I get ahead of myself.

Two Very Old Friends

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What could the two nissi have been talking about with such animation and depth for so long, as if picking up a conversation set down only yesterday?

Looking to the Future

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It is not too cold for two brave Noldor to sit on the grass in the Vale and enjoy a bit of afternoon sun as they contemplate what their newly joined future may hold.

A Request Made and Granted

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To Arradril's utter shock, Branalph is done with the charade, and kneels to beg her hand in marriage. Out come the betrothal rings carefully smithed by Glorfingwë, and in front of all the crafters of the Forges, a troth is plighted.

Turuhalmë: Melumatyar's Tale of the Eagle

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The last tale of the evening was given by Melumatyar, in which one of the Eagles of Manwë Súlimo guards the hröa of a slain warrior and explains to a naive inquirer wherefore such a mighty bird would perform such a duty.

Turuhalmë: Remembrance of Things Past

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Guests stream in to share tales, both happy and sad; to sing songs; to recite poems; and above all, to listen to one another's memories. Lady Manadhlaer did a discreet bit of baking so that there would be sweets as well as wine for the turn of firith into rhîw.

Favour for Favour

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Lord Glinthir leads a company of Elves from Imladris -- Melumatyar carrying healing supplies, and Hamadmachor carrying wool cloth and furs, with Olriandis and Arradril to scout the northern pass -- to resupply Vindurhal. Ulvoin, the master of the small chambers beneath the outpost (oddly well stocked with reading material and a cat, to the Elves' delight), offers some assistance in return -- aid of a more linguistic nature.

To Hrundis, From Manadhlaer of Imladris

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The letter is bound and accoutered as formally as it can be for its journey by bird from Imladris to Erebor, which is a long way even for a determined bird. And yet the odd shower of fresh petals persists, in this case giving the effect of the tears of Nienna. The seal is thick wax, certainly the heaviest part for the poor bird, bearing the official imprint of Lósengriol. A calligrapher's mark under the signature is iwritten in a very muted red ink.

My dear Hrundis:

A Different Letter

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Two nights after the discussion with Harnack, the House once again gathers to talk over the Dwarves of the Hithaeglir, but for a different reason. Manadhlaer has received a letter from Ulvoin, a member of the garrison at Vindurhal, requesting medical supplies. These are in abundance and easily spared, but what ohtari will protect the delivery with blade and shield, and what ettirnor will scout the way and possibly overturn answers to some of the questions that yet remain?

And What Comes Next?

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On a cold night as firith readies its exit and rhîw its entrance, members of the House gather to discuss the repercussions of the mission to aid the Dwarves of the Hithaeglir, and especially to learn what Harnack would wish done. The ice of winter will make travel over the High Pass inadvisable for a short time to come. What will be done with the evildoer, who is now an involuntary guest of the Eldar? Harnack insists that merely recovering the heirloom of the slain Dwarf's family is insufficient.


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