
Lost But Polite: A Gentlehobbit Abroad

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In the middle of trying to sort out preparations for the next leg of the journey, the Elves are surprised to meet one of the very Shire-folk they have been seeking -- a friendly and polite little fellow named Poscoad with an unusually dapper hat. Unfortunately, he also has a talent for getting lost: he is looking for some place called Herne. Man-towns are not Gaerondil's specialty, but she has a try at finding the place on the map, and concludes it must be somewhere to the south.

A Small Crowd Gathers

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As the Elves converse with their new Dwarf friend, a small crowd begins to gather -- Men, mostly, but also another Elf, who says little but watches the goings-on with evident interest. Branalph and Gaerondil are mostly interested in refilling the water-skins -- not without a grumble or three from the latter about the dryness of the Lone-lands -- and seeing what fresh food might be available for trade. Hamadmachor, being the forward-looking sort, wants to ensure the group's passage around the Mannish town of Bree and through the many brigands on the Great East Road.

A Mysterious Dwarf

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Arriving at the ruined fortress in the Lone-lands, Gaerondil and Melumatyar discover that Glorfingwë has already made a friend -- a mysterious Dwarrow who introdusces himself as Dzbog. In typical fashion, Glorfingwë has already begun work repairing the handle of the fellow's mug. The two fall into a surprisingly deep conversation about wine and ale, and by the time the Elves are ready to depart, they have made a fast friend.

A Far Green Country


The Elves of Lósengriol strike out in an unexpected direction at Lirisseya's suggestion. Now that they have received some important information about the mysterious flower discovered in the snows of the Hithaeglir, they plan to seek counsel from an unexpected source.

One Must Have a Map

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When one plans a journey, one must have maps. But do they hold the right information? Manadhlaer finds the index to her atlas completely unhelpful when it comes to a tiny, pastoral corner of Middle-earth. There is plenty of physical geography, but no political geography, and the Elves do not quite know whom to ask about the herb-lore they seek.

In Recognition of Valiant Service

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Lirisseya, having consulted one of the most ancient tomes of herb-lore in Master Elrond's library and then obtained a brief personal audience with him, now strongly believes the house needs to undertake a journey to seek an entirely different sort of counsel about the plant. Members of the House begin making plans, but Manadhlaer stops them, having something to say first: Melumatyar, having served the House faithfully and with distinction, has earned a promotion!

About a Blossom

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Members of Lósengriol gather and enjoy a bit of wine in advance of Lirisseya's revelations about her research into the mysterious flower.

The First Snowdrop of Coirë

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Manadhlaer heard a familiar step, a neat and exact tread, not louder than was needful. A soldier's step. Not unlike hir Branalph's, but Branalph was away. She did not turn.

"Golvagor," she said, and saying the name, at last turned from her work and smiled.

He came further into the room, robed in flowing white -- by which Manadhlaer guessed Golvagor had not come directly from the forges. Gently smiling, Golvagor bowed -- a gesture not of subservience, but almost of merriment, despite his military bearing.

Wine, Warmth, and a Bit of Song

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Having delivered the second package to the guards at Hrimbarg, with a second copy of the instructions for use of the poison-antidote, the friends realize it is wiser to wait out the night before striking out on the long journey back to Imladris. Filegris has a skin of wine; Menelamdir has a fable about a helpful woodpecker; and Glorfingwë, rather unusually, has a fully strung musical instrument wrapped in his pack. He plays a bit but shortly turns it over to Filegris, who has spent many a long night before in company who required morale.

A Mission of Mercy

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The Elves of Imladris pause for a moment in the courtyard of Hrimbarg, feeling safer within the confines of its courtyard. Even the stabled beasts are a welcome sight. 


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