
Dancing With Nice Elves, Again

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Hiril Seregrían and hiril Manadhlaer naturally fall into step with each other as friends and members of Lósengriol dance in other ways, clap along, or just watch.

Dancing With Nice Elves, Part the First

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Inspired by the music of The Rakes of Kilkarill, and in no small amount by the wine gifted to us by Brewmaster Dzbog (he named it "Celebrindal" -- the good Dwarrow knows his target market), members and friends of Lósengriol begin to depart the feasting tables for the dance floor.

Fireworks for the New Year

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Branalph watches as fireworks in the colors of the House scatter their brilliant light near the halls of Lósengriol. What will the new turn of the seasons bring? His thoughts turn to his beloved Arradril, and the coming joys of exchanging their silver betrothal rings for golden wedding bands.

The Flower Comes Home

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At the end of the evening, members of Lósengriol and the last few guests went outside to plant one of the esteloth flowers retrieved intact all the way from i Drann, the former part of Arthedain now called "the Shire." Manadhlaer and Lirisseya discussed their hopes to use the plant to heal the griefs of those who bore hurt in their hearts.

Yestarë: A Parting Wish

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Many of the guests inscribed their wishes and hopes for the coming turn of the seasons on the parchments provided for that purpose. Seregrían, however, states hers plainly before the entire company: that the houses of Bar-en-Acharn and Lósengriol might remain close and become yet closer. 

Yestarë: Lirisseya's Tale

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At the behest of hiril Manadhlaer and hir Melumatyar, Lirisseya stands before the remaining revelers and tells the entire tale of the discovery of esteloth growing improbably among the snowdrifts of the foothills north of the Vale, and further, the discovery of its uses and lore.

Yestarë: The Harper

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Numerous guests came to the revel ready to play and sing, among them Glorfingwë, Maegwine, and hiril Seregrían. However, the melodies played by hir Ingrasion of Bar-en-Acharn were most loudly requested, and he favored the company with several tunes.

A Valuable Volume

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The long trek to the Great Smials of Tuckborough has paid off. There are a few false starts: Gaerondil finds and rejects volumes on swine, show chickens, and split-rail fences, while Redandir, predictably, selects To Win a Lass, and Hermanniadoc goes for Fireside Tales of the Shire. But once again, it is Lirisseya whose unerring research skills find the right volume -- a book called The Green Thumb by Old Gardner Greenleaves contains a sketch of the very flower the Elves are researching! 

Taking Stock

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Approaching the inn whose sign Oxslip described, the Elves discover a bewildering variety of hobbits who are astounded to see them. Naturally, the hobbits are curious as to what these outlandish Big Folk might want, and talk turns quickly to the mysterious flower and keepers of herb-lore throughout the Shire.

The Song of Oxslip

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The Elves of Lósengriol sit amazed -- the very first hobbit they have met, even before crossing the Baranduin, knows a song about the exact flower whose lore they have come to study. And a beautiful song it is, skillfully strummed by young Oxslip!


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