Cutch and Seregrían seal the bond...
"You are not in love alone, dear one..."
From the story, "An Hypothesis"
Cutch treats Seregrían to a picnic in Bree - and on that day, hearts and eyes meet. "You are my She..."
Mortals: A Case Study (Conclusions)
Torech Besruth, Falathlorn, Lindon
29 Hrívë in the Reckoning of Imladris
Cutch is gone.
Mortals: A Case Study (On Misconceptions)
Thorenhad, The Trollshaws, above the Bruinen Gorge
Mortals: A Case Study (Passages on Passage)
The Forsaken Inn, The Lone Lands, on the Breeland Frontier
14 Hrívë in the Reckoning of Imladris (annotated with notes from Torech Besruth and Bree-town)
Mortals: A Case Study (On Breakthroughs)
52 Quellë in the Reckoning of Imladris
Mortals: A Case Study (The Thrill of the Hunt)
50 Quellë in the Reckoning of Imladris
Mortals: A Case Study (On the Topic of Futility)
44 Quellë in the Reckoning of Imladris
Mortals: A Case Study (New Observations)
43 Quellë in the Reckoning of Imladris
Mortals: A Case Study (Distracted Thoughts)
37 Quellë in the Reckoning of Imladris
Team Applications