Laurelin Archives is MOVING!

Well, sort of— not exactly moving, but we’re growing! Laurelin Archives is extending its reach to include the Meriadoc server. This means that if you already have a character on Meriadoc, you’re now welcome to sign up with Laurelin Archives.

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end." -Meriadoc


Chapter 5 - A Chance Encounter with an Ally most Strange (and also a Little Bloodshed)

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Official Document

So I rode on, my heart weary with heaviness.  Boromir was dead, slain by some elfish plot, and yet I was no nearer to uncovering the truth of his strange dream.  My head ached with thoughts and worries, ached even as though it were so that I’d had many a drink the previous eve, even though I hadn’t, as I set forth once more on my epic journey.


Preamble to «The strife for Khazad-dûm».

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The Dwarrowdelf was founded by Durin 'the Deathless' in the far distant past, long before the creation of the Sun and Moon. Durin had awoken at Mount Gundabad not long after the Elves first awoke, and as eldest amongst the Fathers of the Dwarves was acknowledged as preeminent amongst them, a status subsequently inherited by his descendants, the Kings of the Longbeards.

The strife for Khazad-dûm.



May this be a succinct compilation of the major deeds of arms that take place in the war for the mansions of Moria; from the accounts of its protagonists, long-lost texts, and the estimable experience gained during service.

Below is the text compiled from the various excerpts that constitute this chronicle.


The gear of war.

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Unwearied then were Durin's folk...


Of the siege of Gondamon, mighty battle that strengthened the friendship between dwarves and elves.

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-Of the siege of Gondamon-


The Horn of Faldham

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Waelden and the Horn of Faldham; one of his prized possessions and ever a hope in the darkness. Many are the horns given out to veteran warriors and heralds as a token of courage and valour, and its sound is well known through the Norcrofts.


Safe, at last

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Once the horns sounded one last time, and the shouts of battle had slowly died out to an eerie silence, the danger was at long last over. The stress, fear and anxiety of the townspeople ended, though emotions still ran wild and rampant amongst them.

Young Ethel, old Agnes, Hearrd and others, who had taken refuge inside the meadhall, could finally come out and breathe the open air again. They were still alive, and the town was safe. For now.

Aftermath of the battle

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Denholm, Thilwend and a couple of guards inspect the fields north of Bancross, the morning after the battle had ended. Many lives were lost, though only a few of those were brave rohirrim. Such is the nature of war; for it makes corpses of men, and widows of women. Their names will be remembered and honored by the living, who would not be living still, were it not for the bravery and sacrifice of the fallen. 

Hail the victorious dead!

Arrival at the Rammas Echor

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They finally reach the Rammas Echor encircling the Pelennor Fields. (NOF in house quest following the War of the Ring, January 2022.)

Into the Cold: Dreaming of the Battle

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