Laurelin Archives is MOVING!

Well, sort of— not exactly moving, but we’re growing! Laurelin Archives is extending its reach to include the Meriadoc server. This means that if you already have a character on Meriadoc, you’re now welcome to sign up with Laurelin Archives.

We deeply value the years of effort and dedication you’ve poured into your characters, and we’re committed to adapting quickly to ensure your hard work remains intact as we embrace this new chapter!

Thank you for all your support throughout the years & we are happy to hear of any suggestions you may bring forth!
"You can trust us to stick to you through thick and thin - to the bitter
end." -Meriadoc


Happy New Year from the House of Ornessë

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The House of Ornessë partied in celebration of the beginning of the new year. 

The Torn Journal: The Wanderer's Heart

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Gorneleg ventured a bit ahead staying on the edge of the hill then closed her eyes.

The Shadow Walkers: Every Journey Has An End.

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After many years and days of travels The Forngarmo, now separated from the others decided to take one more road as a Shadow Walker. She slowly went back through Mordor, leaving Seregost behind. What of her friends? One would ask. They took another way as there is nothing that can last forever. She walked all the way to the Ranger Encampment in Agarnaith, several times glancing behind. Somehow, she was changed by an unknown event that happened during the battle in the Court of Seregost. She was now known around as Gorneleg, The Hard Ice. But not many knew about why she got such a name.

The Shadow Walkers: Lhaereth The Stained

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The three friends and the dozens of other Warriors might have just encountered Shelob but the joy and glory of having no casualties did not last lore. Almost immediately after they left Shelob's Lair they found themselves in the unending darkness of Mordor once again. And their next step would be Agarnaith. As they moved through Dor Amarth, they met with two other groups and raided not only the orc encampment of Fushaum Tum but several more other encampments of the minions of the Enemy.

The Victory at Morannon

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As the last beasts vanished from sight The Black Gate trembled for a while before finally breaking up. The Forngarmo fell to her knees, the pain and battle exhaustion finally takes over her, but with last of her strenght she yelled into the skies. "Victory! Victory is ours! I have avenged you, my dear sister..." - she finished her speaking with tears in her eyes. Finally, she felt fulfilled. Like her life goals were done.

The Eagles are Coming

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Her fury soon passes as she starts to become weary from the fight but still stays on her guard. They both still fought on until the numbers of the enemy has reduced.

Age Coming to an end.

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Finally, their final destination was before them. The Black Gate of Mordor - The place where their fates were about to be decided. Both armies started their movement. Katrandil looked at Ornessar. "So... this is the time, my friend. I hope for the best." - She said towards him and kept observing the orcs. He glanced at her and hugged her tightly that one last time. "If we split, take care..." - He whispered then pulled away from her.

Stop at Haerondir

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Katrandil left her steed and went away thinking about the past and her friend kept thinking about the future battles. She glanced towards the orcs that were still present in the spot where she encountered them last time. Then the two decided to have one last conversation before approaching the Enemy's Stronghold. 
The Elf keept glancing at the enemies.
- There aren't too many of them, most must already be inside the gate - He said.

The Shadow Walkers: On The Field of Victory

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After setting up the camp The Forngarmo was feeling like she was going to collapse but still she kept masking that well, even with the wounds, that remained untouched since the battle. Then, the two began to search a spot for themselves and as she tried to speak a man came up to her and grabbed her, soon the two vanished from Ornessar's sight, bickering about seeing a healer. After that she came back out of the medical tent and went to look for her friend, clearly annoyed that anyone dared to touch her.

The Shadow Walkers: The Last Hope

What kind of Adventure is this?: 

Finally, their final destination was before them. The Black Gate of Mordor - The place where their fates were about to be decided. Both armies started their movement. Katrandil looked at Ornessar. "So... this is the time, my friend. I hope for the best." - She said towards him and kept observing the orcs. He glanced at her and hugged her tightly that one last time. "If we split, take care..." - He whispered then pulled away from her.


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