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end." -Meriadoc

Pelennor Fields

Wedding in the White City, Part 3

What kind of Adventure is this?: 

Read Part 2

At last the Súlrohir found safe harbour, anchoring at Harlond just beyond the Rammas Echor, the boundary wall of the Pelennor Fields. Eregiel and Calentauriel were very glad indeed that their four-day sea voyage had been safe and free of incident.


Wedding in the White City 10 - Snowmane's Howe

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Screenshot: General screen

A memorial to Snowmane, the horse of KIng Théoden of Rohan, resides on the Pelennor Fields where both horse and rider fell. A plaque on the memorial reads:

Faithful servant yet master's bane,
Lightfoot's foal, swift Snowmane.

Wedding in the White City 01 - The Great Pyre

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Screenshot: General screen

Those who fell defending the White City were memorialised with a great pyre on the battlefield

Eregiel's Visions 09 - Prince Imrahil

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Screenshot: General screen

Prince Imrahil of Dol Amroth at the Battle of Pelennor Fields

The Visions of Eregiel, Part 3

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At breakfast the next morning Eregiel shared with Lothíriel and Calentauriel an account of her visions from that night.

~Eregiel's Third Vision~

Visions of Eregiel 07 - A Young Rider and a Halfling

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Screenshot: General screen

A young soldier of Rohan is eager to ride into battle. Strangely, a halfling sits behind the rider.

Visions of Eregiel 01 - Éowyn

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Screenshot: General screen

In a dream Eregiel sees Éowyn's corpse laying on a field of battle

Arrival at the Rammas Echor

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Screenshot: General screen

They finally reach the Rammas Echor encircling the Pelennor Fields. (NOF in house quest following the War of the Ring, January 2022.)

The Shadow Walkers: The Battle of Pelargir

What kind of Adventure is this?: 

Ornessar and Katrandil were talking during the whole trip to Aragorn's Camp near Pelargir. The atmosphere there, though, was awe-inspiring. Anyway, it was time for open war. Ornessar followed Elladan and Elrohir, his leaders, while Katrandil followed Aragorn. It was time to retake Pelargir from the hands of the Corsairs.

The Battle of the Pelennor Fields

This Chronicle is not supervised by anyone. Feel free to contribute with your own stories freely.

This Chronicle's purpose is to gather all the stories concerning the Battle of the Pelennor Fields in one place.


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