Laurelin Archives is MOVING!
Well, sort of— not exactly moving, but we’re growing! Laurelin Archives is extending its reach to include the Meriadoc server. This means that if you already have a character on Meriadoc, you’re now welcome to sign up with Laurelin Archives.
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Thank you for all your support throughout the years & we are happy to hear of any suggestions you may bring forth!
"You can trust us to stick to you through thick and thin - to the bitter
end." -Meriadoc

Ivy (Aevwyn) Clearview
Name | Aevwyn |
Status | Active |
Occupation | Hunter/trainee ranger adventurer |
Age | 28 |
Race | Hobbit |
Residence | Buckland |
Kinship |
Outward Appearance | Ivy Clearview is just slightly under average female hobbit height. She appears relatively thinner than other hobbits, consider how she doesn't have a broad diet.
General information;
Ivy has a deep love for nature especially forests (that DONT try to kill you) and rivers. As well as the birds that fly around. She often loves to listen to music especially the sort melodic ones.
Depending on the season, Ivy could also be seen with leafs or grass in her hair, feet and/or clothing. Sometime smelling of the depths of nature as well. POST WAR ONLY:
Assigned instrument:
Aevwyn was born in Buckland around 28 years ago to her parents; Tuveric & Aine Clearview. Her mother, Aine, came from a far away land, east of the Misty Mountains it was said. It was thus that she was always treated with a bit of a difference than the usual Hobbit. To make her daughter fit in more _Aevwyn_, while named that in secret, was named **Ivy** in public. We shall now adress her as such.
During her younger years, Ivy made many excursions both into Bree and the Shire, usually together with her father. Being amazed by the prowess of both the archers and the rangers she saw, Ivy dedicated herself on wanting to become one like them. She trained atleast once every week shooting a bow, bespite what the neighbours would've said.
When Ivy reached adulthood, she joined as trainee for the Buckland Bounders. Together with them she made some incursions once and then to rescue a stray Hobbit out the Old Forest. But her biggest moment came during the Nazgûl raid on Crickhollow. When the black riders escaped on horseback out of Bucklands northern gate, Ivy shot an arrow at them. Only for it to bounce off like a simple twig on the stronger black steed. It was from that night that Ivy decided to breach out for wider horizons, seeing as the foreign powers that be, won't leave the Shire be either.
Eventually Ivy joined up with the East Road Company with whom she eventually went east and southwards to join in the war for Middle Earth. Before doing so, she met a lot of nice new people in Bree, whomst she longed to return to after the war.
During the battle of Minas Tirith, Ivy was wounded by her right face, as an orc on the wall of Minas Tirith slammed her to the ground and pressed his orc blade into her face, this severely damaged her right eye but she was able to kill the orc before her life was gone thanks to a lose lying dagger. From than she'd wear an eyepatch.
Once back to Bree and the Shire, she found herself disconnected with the folk there. She longed again to move away from there. So when news came to her that her friend Joselle Long is going back to Gondor, Ivy decided without hesitation to join her, planning to build a nice smial, a little outpost of the shire, in that far away warmer land.
Ivy's main steed is a pony called Arrow. Arrow is named as such for being faster than the average pony or even horse.
It is suspected that Arrow is infact a rohirrim breed, either escaped, chased or let free from Rohan until it saw itself stuck in the Old Forest where Ivy rescued Arrow. Thankful for this rescue and care, Arrow eventually begone to accept Ivy and let her saddle Arrow.
Now Arrow is Ivy's trusty steed, able to ride from Buckland to Bree and back in a quick time that only steeds from Rohan could reach and surpass.
Loves | Forests, birds and music |
Hates | Aggression |
Motivation | Adventure and to protect people. |
Quotes |
Aevwyn's Adventures
Plan of the East Road Company. | 1 year 1 month ago |
LoneLands Expedition 02 (Towards Rivendell) | 1 year 2 months ago |
LoneLands expedition 01 | 1 year 3 months ago |