
Runderic Burrows

Name Runderic
News Writer
The Marish
Outward Appearance

As a Stoor Runderic is broader and heavier that most Hobbits with log and large limbs and a roundish belly. He has blue eyes and black curly hair that are never long enough to go below his ears. He's always dressed in a nice way.


Runderic is originally from the Marish and he is coming from a family of fishers. He was born in Stock. Despite the family's tradition to catch fish and sell them he grew to love stories and frequent the town centre to learn news. First from around the Shire and later from as far as he could. In the first years of his adulthood he visited Bree and Staddle while in his younger age he walked the fields and hills of the Shire. Through his small trips he got acquainted with folk who later on left for other places, but they kept sending letters to him, Runderic used those letters in order to write the happenings of the world and spread news around the Shire and beyond when possible!

He worked as a postman for some time but he soon was kicked out, instead of just delivering or taking the letters, Runderic spent a lot of time talking to people and hearing what they had to say. That delayed many letters to be sent and many Hobbits complained to the Post Master. But, through that experience Runderic learned how letters travel from one place to the other and how news reach people and he was planning to put it to good use.

His permanent residence is the family farm in the Marish, but he frequently travels around Shire and constantly receives and sends letters with his friends outside the borders of the Shire.

He has started The Stonecrop Herald recently. He takes all the news from the letters he receives and writes this paper to spread it.

Many around the world
Some Hobbits in the Eastern Shire on both sides of the Brandywine
Those that hide the truth and spiders
Writing, gathering news, learning stories, travelling, meeting new people.
Spiders and lies.
Runderic wants to write about what is happening around the world. Help spread news.
All the truth in the world is held in stories.

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