Laurelin Archives is MOVING!
Well, sort of— not exactly moving, but we’re growing! Laurelin Archives is extending its reach to include the Meriadoc server. This means that if you already have a character on Meriadoc, you’re now welcome to sign up with Laurelin Archives.
We deeply value the years of effort and dedication you’ve poured into your characters, and we’re committed to adapting quickly to ensure your hard work remains intact as we embrace this new chapter!
Thank you for all your support throughout the years & we are happy to hear of any suggestions you may bring forth!
"You can trust us to stick to you through thick and thin - to the bitter
end." -Meriadoc

Tarnon the rogue
Name | Tarnon |
Status | Active |
Occupation | rogue, punisher |
Age | Young |
Race | Man |
Residence | wanderer |
Kinship |
Outward Appearance | Young man of average height, wearing hooded cloak to cover grey hair and scarred face. His bright restless grey eyes gleam from the shadow of the hood. |
Came from somewhere in the east, probably Dale. In a youth insolence joined the Blackwolds. Spent a few years among them and learned how to steal and how to kill. Experienced a horrific terror when finding out what awful evil is behind the brigand organization.
Nowadays he can be seen in many places in Eriador. If you see a figure in grey hooded cloak, not so tall as should be, because it is cowering unknowingly, that might be him.
If you catch a glimpse of the face in the shadow of his hood and notice a large scar across the mouth, that might be him.
If you overhear by accident the hoarse muttering during his uneasy sleeping, it is surely Tarnon.
Loves | music, food, beautiful women |
Hates | men who fell for the enemy, especially Angmar; anyone bossing around, anyone tormenting the innocent |
Motivation | exploring of Middle-Earth, self education |
Quotes | "Very satispying..." |
Tarnon's Adventures
Company of the East Road - quest in Lone Lands, part 1 | 1 week 5 days ago |
5 – Encounter | 3 years 9 months ago |
4 - Down in North Downs | 3 years 9 months ago |
3 - Lonely in Lone lands | 4 years 3 months ago |
2 - Shy in Shire | 4 years 5 months ago |