Laurelin Archives is MOVING!

Well, sort of— not exactly moving, but we’re growing! Laurelin Archives is extending its reach to include the Meriadoc server. This means that if you already have a character on Meriadoc, you’re now welcome to sign up with Laurelin Archives.

We deeply value the years of effort and dedication you’ve poured into your characters, and we’re committed to adapting quickly to ensure your hard work remains intact as we embrace this new chapter!

Thank you for all your support throughout the years & we are happy to hear of any suggestions you may bring forth!
"You can trust us to stick to you through thick and thin - to the bitter
end." -Meriadoc


Paane Paane Wildewood Hobbit
Padparascha Padparascha Hobbit
Padrasul Padrasul "Windwalker" Man Tir Mithrin O Forod
Padred Padred Hobbit none
Paega Pæga "Bār" of Lôgrad Man none
Paganita Supreme Master Cook Hobbit The Company of Friends
Pairill Fortingarddic Hobbit None
Paivi Päivi Man Remnants of Forochel
Paladic Paladic Woodlock of the Greenfields. Hobbit None.
Palado Palado Sandybanks Hobbit
Paladric Paladric Sandybanks Hobbit People of the Shire
Pangolodh Pangolodh Orodben of Gondolin Elf
Pankcore Kacey the Pancake. Man None.
Panssie Panssie Roundfoot Hobbit
Pansyblossom Pansyblossom Bottle Hobbit None
Pantheleon Pantheleon Silverblaze Man None
Parangol Pârangol a'Adwéa, Ben'arôi Elf The Elven-Folk of the Kinn-Lai ((also see: Dherndawarth - A strange Roll of Parchment for lore about the kinn lai))
Parnard Parnard Teludarion Elf Vinyalondë
Parto Parto Grover Hobbit
Passerose Passerose Lightfoot Hobbit
Patdana Patdana Swan Man None
Patula Patula Thimbleberry Hobbit Grand Order of the Lost Mathom
Patunia Patunia Clowburrow, the unwise. Hobbit Haven of Hope
Pavelunderhill Pavelunderhill Hobbit Twilight and Dawn
Pearlblossom Pearlblossom Puddlewheat Hobbit Misfits and Meanderers
Peathiel Peathiel (Hannah Ormiel) Man The Shadows
Pedhir Pedhir Trevador Man Gravenhall
Pegro Pegro Proudfeet Hobbit Proud Feet
Pelaphor Lord Pelaphor Arathilien, Captain. Man Legends of Arnor
Pelargonium Pelargonium Lyndeleaf Hobbit The Hobbitry-In-Arms
Pelawing Pelawing Elf wip
Pelda Pelda Pelanor Man
Pelilas Pelilas Elf
Pelilasel Pelilasel (Captain of Maedhros) Elf
Pellam Pellam 'Ellam' Man Order of the Seven
Pello Pello Shortfellow Hobbit House Shortfellow
Pelluvion Pellúvion Elf
Pencot Pencot Man none
Pendaen Pendaen 'Iavassen' Elf Iltaruskon Vartijat
Pendecardiel Pendecardiel Randiriel Elf Wood Elves
Pendellas Pendellas Elf
Pendora Pendora "Penny" Athwart Man
Pendrastiel Pendrastiel "Penny" Halfblood Elf
Penhallion Penhallion Man none
Penham Officer Penham Jacob Fletwood Man The Bree Watch
Penimir Penimir Man Eyes of the North
Penlard Penlard Man Knights Of Eriador
Pennee Pennee Piemaker Hobbit
Pennion Pennion Elf
Penolloth Penolloth Elf The Children Of Iluvatar
