Laurelin Archives is MOVING!

Well, sort of— not exactly moving, but we’re growing! Laurelin Archives is extending its reach to include the Meriadoc server. This means that if you already have a character on Meriadoc, you’re now welcome to sign up with Laurelin Archives.

We deeply value the years of effort and dedication you’ve poured into your characters, and we’re committed to adapting quickly to ensure your hard work remains intact as we embrace this new chapter!

Thank you for all your support throughout the years & we are happy to hear of any suggestions you may bring forth!
"You can trust us to stick to you through thick and thin - to the bitter
end." -Meriadoc


Nacrissa Formerly Captain, Nacrissa Thornwood Man Once her crew - The Swashbucklers.
Nadryna Nadryna Sweetblossom Man Riders of the Riddermark
Naedrena Naedrena, Daughter of Eadberth Man Sperewigend
Naefr Naefr Dwarf
Naegilrond Naegilrond Rhíthalion Elf Knights Of Eriador
Naenath Naenath Elf
Naergon Iseril "Naergon" Ealath Elf
Naerhad Naerhad Thanduil, son of Indilzar Man Syndicate of The Silent Tower
Naernith Naernith / "Girakun" Elf
Naerrin Naerrin of Edhellond Elf
Naethan Ranger Naethen Derek Ardor, Farstrider Man The Oakleaf Rangers
Naethil Naethil Man none
Naima Naima Longfurrow Hobbit none
Nainsi Nainsi "Nanny" Budgeford Man
Naismithea Captain Naismithea Willarc Man Sworn Wanderers
Nallaros Nallaros Boleyn Man Maethor en Ithil (OOC)
Nallosdeth Nallosdeth Firyë Elf None
Nalo Nalo Winefiddle Hobbit
Naloinzil Naloinzil, 'Blackrose' 'Shadow' Man None.
Nalokha Nalokha, the Dark Maiden Man None
Nalrok Nalrok Dwarf
Naltareth Naltareth Alerion, Harbinger of Peace Elf Ladies of the Golden Wood
Namaril Ilcamë 'Namaril' Vanimóre Elf
Nanadan Nanadan Nentari Elf
Nandutiriel Nandutiriel Elf
Nannie Nannie Hobbit People of the Shire
Nanteana Nanteana of te Fellohide Hobbit [The Red Company]
Nanthon Nanthon Elf Allies of the Night
Naraal Naraal (Azruzagar ...Sea sword) Man
Narakzadna Narakzadna Man
Naralith Naralith Man
Narastyri Narastyri Aistáca Elf
Naredhyl Naredhyl Silvershire of Rohan Man Riders of the Riddermark
Narelin Narelin Man
Narenel Narenel Nightingale of Bree Land Man none
Naris Narisel the Menelluin Elf
Narmoth Narmoth Amaranta Elf Firstborn of Iluvatar
Narnonnen Narnonnen Man
Narnuilas Narnuilas Elf none
Narsilme Narsilme of Rivendell Elf E Voronwe
Narthall Narthall Signus Man Wandering Misfits
Nartinwe Norgaladon Elf
Naruanor Naruanor Man Edain uin Forod
Naruiell Naruiell (sind.), Sáquilëa (early quen.) Elf
Narukhadaran "Lieutenant Narukhadaran ( Tarandil)" Man
Narunel Narunel Elf
Naruvir Naruvir Elf Calarind
Narvinien Narvinien Elf Loth-i-Lonnath
Narye Naryë "Naurel" Elf
Narys Narys Man Into The Wild
