((A beautifully written notice in Bree.))

Looking for workers with experience in guardsmanship, scouting, exploration and diplomacy. 

The Rosethorn Estate and Rosethorn Trading Company seeks to secure a trading passage to the North-West. Through the Sparrows Mercenary Company, we seek people available to aid us for financial benefit. Here is talk, specifically, of the road between Oatbarton and the High King's Crossing

The matter entails investigation of criminal activity along the road, as well as the security of the waterway leading to our customer. Please contact the Rosethorn estate or seek out Wisterhya Rosethorn at the Scholar's hall Monday to Sunday, expect for Saturday. 


((This is a genuine RP plot, in which we are open to other players. Please write me on LA, in-game or send me a mail to Wisterhya if interested.))

16-04-21 [more]

House of Healing
1 High Road, Knotwood


To use for long-term patient care.

Healers may rent usage of the facility and its accommodation.
* Patient bed
* Supply Stock
* Medical Tools
* Apothecary
* Library
* Kitchen
* Staff assistance


For further inquiry, speak with Elias W. Dimheim.



Workers Wanted
1 High Road, Knotwood

Seeking workers for the following.

* Housekeepers
* Caregivers
* Cooks
* Gardeners
* Warden

For further inquiry, speak with Elias W. Dimheim.


16-04-21 [more]

8-04-21 [more]

Dear Citizens, 

Due to short notice, and the acquiring of other more pressing  cargo, the market will be cancelled in Bree. Those who wish to seek out or have use for our current stock may enquire with Deorla, the Company Master. 


27-03-21 [more]

Are you suffering from a cold or aching of the head?

Are you bleeding profusely from a wound or experiencing an aggravating rash?

Is your daughter or niece currently experiencing their first cycle of womanhood and writhing around on the ground like a girl possessed?

Are you due your monthly bloodletting or leeching procedure?


Based in Combe, Ophelia Pennyfeather - assistant to Leecher Cartwell - offers a variety of services from concocting remedies to sewing up your open wounds!

You can find our practice upon entering Combe via the main gate, past the beekeeper, the first building upon the slight incline to the left!

Available for temporary excursions with localized mercenary groups to tend wounds.

Has experience in treating children's ailments, delivering young and maintaining the wellbeing of pregnant women.

Fees to be agreed upon during appointment.

21-03-21 [more]

17-03-21 [more]

The Hunstman and The Stag Inn is now OPEN
The Inn is located halfway between Bree-town and Trestlebridge, right along the Greenway.
With a warm hearth and warm meals and flowing drinks.
The Inn is open to all seeking respite from the roads or mirthful company.

((OOC Note: the Inn is at 5 Long Street, Millshaw. It is open to all to use as a RP hub, even if I am not online.))

16-03-21 [more]

Attention Townsfolk! A Barmaid at the Prancing Pony has gone missing. Barliman Butterbur being the decent fellow he is has asked the watch to set out notices around town. The description that was left with the watch is as follows, Dark-haired, fair-skinned, slender. Standing at 6 stones high! She is not a native but her company was greatly welcomed at the tavern and we have it on good authority that she lives in town.

If you see anything suspicious or find this woman, please report it to our local authorities stay safe! Courtesy of the Bree-Town Watch.

12-03-21 [more]


The person or persons that caused the fire just outside of Combe!

They are criminals who killed Combe's wise woman.

There will be a reward for those who find them.

3-01-21 [more]


A recruitment poster that Fiontann hanged around Bree-land and its inns.


Contact me here or ingame at any time if you're interested.

15-11-20 [more]

29-10-20 [more]

(OOC:  On Sunday, 11/01 at 3PM Server Time, House Bar-en-Acharn will be hosting an RP event at their new kin house, located at #5 Waterbank Road, Torn-en-Aduial, Falathlorn.  This is an open-RP event, with Open Mic for minstrels and story-tellers!) 


  • The Welcoming (in the Grand Hall by Lady Seregrian;
  • The Feast (an RP event hosted by the members of Bar-en-Acharn, the feast has been prepared by Master Chef Cutch Crane);
  • The Revels (Open-mic bardic and minstrels, and dancing in the Grand Hall)
  • Merry Meetings (Chance-meetings throughout the evening;

You are asked to check weapons and pets at the door.

Dress is Formal/Semi-formal

House Bar-en-Acharn is looking forward to welcoming you!

18-10-20 [more]
