Beneath the golden boughs
Among the Galadhrim, Tanathon found a measure of peace. Lothlórien’s timeless beauty, where the golden mallorn trees gleamed even in winter, captivated him, and the wisdom of Lady Galadriel and Lord Celeborn that reigned there deepened his understanding of Middle-earth’s past and future. Yet, despite its splendor, he could not shake the feeling that Lothlórien was a world apart, withdrawn from the troubles beyond its borders. As years passed, however, he began to feel that this could not to be his home forever. He longed to see more of the world, to understand the broader struggle against the Shadow. Mirkwood had become oppressive to him, suffocating even, but though Lórien was ever serene, it was also isolated.
The War against Angmar
Around the year 1975 of the Third Age, the forces of Angmar threatened the northern realms, and the Galadhrim sent warriors across the mountains to aid in the final struggle against the Witch-king. Tanathon was among them, joining the other Eldar who marched to the aid of the Dúnedain of Arnor. The war was brutal, but in the end, the Witch-king’s power was broken, and Angmar was cast down.
Though victory was won, the war had changed him. The vastness of Eriador, the fall of all those great kingdoms, and the struggles of Men and Elves alike left a deep impression upon him. After the campaign, as most of the Elves returned to Lothlórien, Tanathon lingered in Rivendell. There, amidst the wisdom of Elrond and the refuge of Imladris, he found a realm that was neither withdrawn nor wholly embroiled in the affairs of the world. It was a place of learning, of diplomacy, and of quiet strength—a place where he felt he could be of use.