Days 11-14
I have little news to share.
I am in Rivendell, safe and warm in the library - I have thus far learned nothing more of this mysterious ‘Chain’ artefact, supposed to grant power over evil beings. None of the scholars here appear to know any more about it than Almerion, nor do their books - although I have, in my reading, scared myself half to death with the knowledge of a disturbing number of terrifying ancient artefacts of evil, of which no one now knows the location… one problem at a time, I think...
I am all but ready to give up. Of course, I have no news yet from the others. I am doing my best not to worry too much. They are brave, and intelligent, and strong - and if anyone can find and rescue Fion from an Orcish warband without getting captured themselves, it is them. One of the Elves told me it is no use worrying about the things you cannot control. I am trying to take that to heart.
If I am completely honest… in some ways it feels quite difficult to worry too much about anything here for long. The atmosphere in this settlement - somehow elegant, majestic, and homely all at once… and every time you step outside, the green-smelling mountain air, the music of streams and waterfalls - not to mention of gentle flutes, and soft, distant laughter…
One could lose years here, if one is not careful. I do not think a single Elf would ask me to justify myself. The only thing stopping me right now is my conscience: I do not think I will be able to remain here long if I cannot find anything useful…