~Visitors at Court ~
'Wonderfully played!' said the applauding Thranduil, King of the Woodland Realm. His son Legolas also expressed his appreciation for the performance. Lord Celeborn and Lady Galadriel beamed with pride at the skill of their court musicians. Galadriel, catching Thibinoriel's eye, inclined her head to show her approval. Thibinoriel smiled in return.
'There are many fine musicians in my halls but none as skilled as these,' said Thranduil to Galadriel. 'I hope my people will soon be honoured with a performance.'
'That may be arranged, King Thranduil, if certain precautions are taken,' Galadriel responded. Celeborn agreed.
'Yes, of course,' said Tharanduil reassuringly. 'I will have my finest scout guide them through the Greenwood.'
'That is acceptable,' replied Galadriel. 'We will arrange the details prior to your departure.' Celeborn seemed pleased.
A reception was held in the visitors' honour following the performance. Thranduil approached the musicians at the reception to personally convey his appreciation. The musicians bowed and curtsied, respectively, according to etiquette and custom.
'I enjoyed your performance very much, Thibinoriel,' said Thranduil. The twinkle in his eyes and broad smile upon his face reflected his sincerity.
'Thank you, lord,' the leader of the ensemble modestly replied. 'My family endeavors to inspire the hearts of others with their playing.'
'And they have done so magnificently!' the Woodland King exclaimed. 'Did you say that all seven of these players are related?'
'Yes, lord, by either blood or marriage,' answered Thibinoriel. She introduced all the players by name, providing their relationship to her and to one another. The players all said how pleased they were to meet the king, and how happy they were that he enjoyed their performance.
'I expressed my desire to your Lord and Lady that you will visit us in the Woodland Realm. They have given their consent,' Thranduil informed them.
The players exchanged glances among themselves, some recalling the difficulties that they had experienced on previous journeys away from the Golden Wood. Sensing their dis-ease, Thranduil asked them whether anything was the matter.
'No, lord,' said a smiling Thibinoriel. 'We will be both honoured and delighted to perform for your folk.' Thibinoriel gave the players a stem look to still their murmuring.
'Excellent! My people and I will look forward to your visit with great anticipation,' Thanduil happily replied.
~Preparing for Departure~
The musicians of Laurië Lassi spent the two weeks following the concert preparing for their journey to the Woodland Realm. Desiring to minimise their burden, the Elves packed only those things that they absolutely required.
They planned to ride only so far as Beorn's Hall in the Vale of Anduin. There they would leave their horses in the care of the Beornings. The Elves did not wish to risk riding their steeds through the Greenwood. Although the Necromancer no longer dwelt in Dol Guldur, the White Council had driven him out, the Greenwood remained a wild and dangerous place.
'Take only what you need: clothing and water along with your instruments,' Celebthondir implored his family members. 'Armour and weapons we will take, also. Lastly, the Lady has provided a small quantity of waybread to nourish our minds and bodies throughout our journey.'
'Lembas?' asked Thalinras.
'Yes,' replied Celebthondir. Celebthondir was an Elf of few words, but when he spoke others listened.
'Perhaps the Beornings will share some of their honeycakes with us!' Calentauriel whispered to Thalinras her husband.
'Do not get your hopes up, nésa,' cautioned Thibinoriel. 'The Beornings are grim folk who seldom welcome strangers. They will agree to care for our horses. That should be enough.'
'We cannot ride through the Greenwood?' asked a disappointed Eregiel, who was especially fond of horses.
'I am sorry, nésa,' replied Thibinoriel. 'We will reclaim them upon our return.'
'We will leave them if we must,' said Eregiel, 'but woe to any who bring them harm!'