Days 4 & 5
There is so much I could say... my heart is bursting with mixed feelings. But this is not the place for all my personal thoughts. I must make some attempt to show a little discipline in my record-keeping!
Escaping the vast tombs beneath Ost Chall, we found ourselves in some ancient ruined fort, high in the rocky crags, looking down upon the expansive pine forests of the Trollshaws. Meaning to continue south on the trail of our quarry, we found our way first to the Bruinen - whereupon, I think, Fiontann realised we were all exhausted beyond measure. So he led us to the abode of some old friends of his - the Elven settlement in the hidden valley of Rivendell.
I could almost swear some spell lies upon the place. We bathed in the lakes, and our generous hosts gave us clothing and refreshments. The waters were instantly refreshing - their soaps and salves scented with the finest, most delicate aromas the most expensive merchant has ever brought through Bree - and we spent a long time getting properly clean after the reek of the tombs. They gave us lodgings for the night, and what with one thing or another, I believe I slept more deeply than ever before in my life.
I cannot relate to you my joy at being able to see more of the valley the next day - I cannot sufficiently express its air of tranquil beauty, softly fading... I only wish there had been more time. But we still had a job to do, and we had been much delayed already by this point - so we did not have full freedom to explore: there were clothes to be repaired, new provisions bartered, blades sharpened. I have just written several important letters to our friends and suppliers at the Forsaken Inn, Bree and Hamglen, though I have no idea if any will ever arrive, nor when.
And at dawn, we must depart again...
This will have to do for now. My writing hand is tired; and the wooded paths wending among the starlit mountain pools beckon me - one last time before I must somehow tear myself away.
I will see if Morfryn would care to walk with me until we can put off sleep no longer.