Sarno's Scribblings

I be told by the others I must start keepin' a record, as me writin' is the best. That may be so, but Tolbold has a mighty fine hand when he put his mind ter it. He be the boss though, an Assistant Chief Shirriff! So I get the short straw and he get the honour fer thinking of records. 

Tolbold said we must write it all down, what be happening in Tighfield and local surroundings. One day we shall have all trustworthy Bounders again, and no brigands. But that not be this day. We may have ter hide away, and though it sound a bit cowardly ter me an me brother, we understand. Old Tolu, he got beaten up good an proper by a few rough Men, he still have the bruises. And one man try ter threaten Henepa. He run away when he see that Elvish knife she had. 

Henepa tells us there is an old Hall and Farm that belongs ter her Aunt. It now be fallen into a bit of a ruin. But it only be an hour's stroll away, through the forest. We could stay there, Tolbold be thinking. But Henepa, she does not want ter leave the Bent Elbow, and me brother, he be wanted, and old Tolu, him be old. So we see.

I suppose I be a clerk now? Clerk ter the Assistant Chief Shirriff? That sound grand. But darker days are a coming folk do say. And though it sound brave an all, we are just plain Hobbits. We can only do so much.