Day 3
Trapped underground, and with the Dead pounding on the doors, we set out into the reeking darkness below Ost Chall, while Fiontann and Alcott remained behind alone to prevent them breaking through.
From the threshold, we descended a long stairway into the depths of the cavern. Everywhere the ground was covered with foul water - the stench of decay was overpowering, enough to make one sick. After a long time searching around in the filth and blackness, by the light of a single rough torch, we worked out there was some kind of central man-made island, with three chambers upon it.
In the first, we were attacked by some great enchanted statue. Our weapons could not seem to harm it. While the others kept it occupied, I found a dagger in a chest - and eventually, after a lot of trial and error, we were able to halt the statue by stabbing it where its heart should have been.
In the second room, we were set upon by the Dead as soon as we entered. The company - Morfryn, Anita, Blodflaed and Margrete - made short work of the first wave, but Anita and Blodflaed were both knocked out by their leader, wielding a battleaxe. Morfryn and Margrete then had their work cut out for them trying to keep it busy, until I was able to use the dagger on it. Braziers appeared to spring to life of their own accord as we defeated the enemy in each room - which was a mercy, as our torches went out more than once, leaving us in pitch darkness.
In the third room, the skeletons of ancient chiefs stood around the walls - but did not immediately attack us. One wore a crown. In hindsight, approaching to examine it was not my most intelligent option, given the Dead we had already encountered - it seized me by the throat, terrifyingly strong, and I am sure would have killed me, had I not still been carrying the dagger, which put an end to him. Though the marks on my neck are still painful to the touch.
We branched out from the inner island, finally finding the outer wall of the cavern - or tomb - or whatever it was - in the dark; and following it around, until eventually we found to a gate, and a stairway up. The whole thing was ominously covered in giant cobwebs - and indeed, as we reached the top, we were cut off by the largest spider I have ever seen - taller and larger than me. Morfryn, in the forefront as always, took it on at once, and slew it with a few deft strokes.
Beyond was a long bridge, high above the chambers in the cavern we had just been exploring - we could sense at last that the end was in sight. Beyond the bridge stood a towering statue of some long-forgotten king; and behind the statue, the final door. Morfryn broke it down - and we almost fell into glorious sunlight, and the world above. The final task was to return to fetch the others.
I actually have no idea how long we were down there. It could have been much longer than a day. I do know that by the time we made it out, we were all exhausted. I will try to work out the real dates once we are back in civilisation.
Items of note that we recovered:
I. A significant amount of ancient treasure, recovered from the three chambers. I am pretty sure Margrete ended up with more than her share, but I did my best to ensure we got ours. I have accounted this in a separate list, enclosed.
II. A curious book. Morfryn found this on a lectern in one of the rooms. It is covered in writing, but not in a language I recognised. Margrete told us we ought to burn it, but Morfryn thought it might be of interest for later. We have kept it for now. The sight of it did give me quite a chill - I wonder if Margrete may have been right...
III. The dagger. The blade is engraved with the word "Heartstopper," which I take to be its name. The hilt is of silver, and the pommel of amber. It had significant power over the Dead and the enchanted statue we encountered in the tomb.
I have no idea if it has any real value in the outside world, but... I intend to keep it. I feel that I have earned it, after all. Already it has become strangely... precious to me.