Day 2 (Continued)
I apologise for the dramatic style of my previous entry. I was writing in great haste and, as can be readily discerned, a certain amount of panic. All the same I will try to keep such moods out of my writing going forwards... it leads to this sort of rather embarrassing continuation if it turns out to be wrong. My purpose here is to try to record the facts of our adventures, without distracting sentiments or wasted paper. Hopefully at some point I will have a chance to write this all up properly and hide the evidence!
As I wrote previously: faced with overwhelming numbers of the Dead advancing on us from the way we came, we barricaded ourselves in a fortified courtyard, which Margrete the treasure-hunter referred to as 'Ost Chall' (which must be Elvish for something - look this up later). While Fiontann, Blodflaed and myself held the front gate against the enemies (and, though I do say so myself, I performed some of not-my-worst-ever shooting under pressure), Margrete, Anita and Morfryn worked on a way to open the great doors at the back, which led, as it seemed, into the cliffside itself - and which seemed to be our only hope of a way out.
Eventually, Anita and Morfryn were able to locate the hidden levers hidden around the courtyard, needed to open the cliffside doors. I should mention that Morfryn showed particular (and entirely characteristic) bravery in rushing to Fion's aid in holding the rearguard, buying time for the rest of us to beat a hasty retreat into the mountainface. Though I do wish he wouldn't make such a habit of rushing towards danger - some of the rest us can hardly be expected to flee while he is charging the other way.
It was a close thing - but we made it. We have sealed the doors behind us as best we can - and are just praying that the enemy do not know how to open them again, either. It has been some a little while now... they have not managed to break in - yet.
We are now underground. We are resting in a cavernous entrance hall of what appears to a vast ancient city, or fortress - my guess is that it belonged to one of the fallen kingdoms of Westernesse. We have not yet explored far - Fion thought it best that we rest while we can. This city - or whatever it is - is as quiet as the grave.
We lit some braziers which still worked, but we must conserve our fuel. I have written down what I can for now as this could still very well be my last entry. We have no idea where to go next - whether it is even possible to pass through these halls, and escape by some other route - or indeed what other dangers may await us below.
For now however - I feel surprisingly safe. I will take what rest I may, and hope to see the morning. Or whatever passes for morning in this sunless place!