Laurelin Archives is MOVING!

Well, sort of— not exactly moving, but we’re growing! Laurelin Archives is extending its reach to include the Meriadoc server. This means that if you already have a character on Meriadoc, you’re now welcome to sign up with Laurelin Archives.

We deeply value the years of effort and dedication you’ve poured into your characters, and we’re committed to adapting quickly to ensure your hard work remains intact as we embrace this new chapter!

Thank you for all your support throughout the years & we are happy to hear of any suggestions you may bring forth!
"You can trust us to stick to you through thick and thin - to the bitter
end." -Meriadoc

The Fourth Age: The State of The Ice-Wastes

Forngarmo prepared her supplies and mounted up, moving ahead through heavy snowfall. She was hoping to reach the next stop, past Ja Kuru. Her thoughts were going between her new allies, her children and the goal she was going towards. She knew not if she was going to ever see them again. It was just like the times before she met her love. Before she had anyone to worry about. Just her, the snow, loneliness and nothing more. She left her horse lead on his own for a while and closed her eyes listening to the sound of the wind. The snowfall seemed to stop for a while. She opened her eyes again. 
- At least it stopped snowing... - She said to herself as she now moved through the forests. Forochel seemed calm, regardless of all the news she got of it from the others. The Lossoth were sturdy people, they were able to handle their own lands no matter what, but sometimes even they needed help of another, that wished them well. The good weather didn't last long, however. Soon, another snowstorm came and the ranger looked around. 
- Need to stop. Until weather gets better. - She said to herself again, barely seeing her surroundings. She hid herself in a small cave, a few meters away from Ja Kuru, which seemed to be occupied by enemies somehow. Forngarmo did her best to keep herself warm, without lighting a fire. She did not wish to alert those enemies around. The ranger was waiting for a better weather window so she could move. Best way to do so was during the night, as she woudn't be as visible as of now. And so she waited... and waited.... and waited... until finally the snowstorm has passed and the night has fallen. 
- Awesome... - She whispered to herself as she let her horse go back and moved towards the camp. Moving forward, through the enemy camp wasn't as easy as she thought it would be though. Each meter seemed to be more difficult to not get spotted by the others. Finally, she understood that she doesn't have another way. 
- Can't sneak... I need to fight my way through... - She whispered to herself, but gladly there weren't many enemies left on her way. She kept bringing the enemies down carefully and moving the bodies out of the others' sight. Forngarmo managed to move through first, second and yet another canyon when a cave loomed in front of her. She entered it and recognized the one responsible for enemy presence. She knew that she cannot let him stay alive but this was not the moment, the ranger was outnumbered. She snuck past them and soon left the cave and the camp behind. As she reached Pynti-Peldot, she felt how tired she was. She moved towards a hut of the Lossoth and after being allowed inside by its owner, she laid down, under a heavy fur blanket and soon fell asleep. 

When the early morning came, she prepared herself for the way ahead and ate some more, due to the courtesy of the hut owners. Then she walked up to the horse trader. Since she sent her own horse back on the way home she needed another one. The trader seemed to recognize the ranger and had agreed to help her on her way. He gave her one of his peoples' tundra horses, making the passage of the Forngarmo even quicker. That leg of her journey seemed calm and fast. That was until she spotted another gathering of the enemies, in the other ruins of old. She decided to turn east to scout the other camp before moving back on her way. 
- This is not good... how could we allow this? - She then whispered to herself, moving through yet another camp, belonging to the very same kind of enemies. She started to think that the whole thing about Forochel being dangerous was just that one commander surviving the war. The one that she would give everything to kill. Forngarmo scouted the fortress silently and carefully then left the spot, undetected. The ranger followed her own way again, stopping briefly at an abandoned lossoth campsite. After an hour of rest and warming herself up, she rode with haste towards the last city on her way, and then towards the last camp to rest up. She reached Suri Kyla a few hours later and moved slowly through the Lossoth Village. The camp was not far anymore. When she managed to get to the final campsite, she lit a fire and sat down beside it, leaving her horse nearby.  Yet the ranger stood up again, walking towards the Bay. She stood up upon a makeshift bridge and looked at the boat, then at the Bay itself. 
- The Ice Bay... we meet again... may the Valar guide me... - She said towards herself while looking at the icebergs in the distance. Forngarmo spent a few minutes there until a call from a message hawk that perched near the camp broke her thoughts. She approached it and studied the letter that seemed to be from Thandanar. The Dunadan smiled upon it and then sat down on a log by the fire. She pulled out another parchment and scribbled something there, soon sending the hawk back on its way. She had hoped that somehow the bird makes it faster back to Tinnudir, than her riderless horse to keep her allies calm about her wellbeing. When she was done, she laid down by the fire, to get a good rest before the final of her mission.