Months before in the stone cell of a dungeon, Ryheric saved the last fragment of his decimated spirit by one obsession. The idea that, even if it killed him, he would end the life of Vahiy's puppet overseer, General Efedagon.
Now, he rode beside his nemesis. Both warriors equally cornered into the next mission. Equally despising it, for vastly different reasons.
The most bizarre development to Ryheric was his realisation he wanted Efedagon to live through this. He would even fight and bleed with him to see it so.
Were his spirits so spent that he had truly joined and become the enemy? He couldn't say, anymore. He knew in his heart the stream's current led this way; and he also knew the waters were now thick with blood and poison. There was no going back.
Thus, the two rode to join the warriors who had gone on ahead for their dark task. Beaten, subdued as beasts with gnashing teeth are cornered, and with no other options remaining to them.
They rode to hunt prey for Vahiy. They rode for chaos, destruction and the choking, gasping flickers of hope like candle flame on a distant shore. They rode as fighters, and as Ryheric always knew, fighters were men ready to die.
The only music came in the macabre beauty of notes wrung from good steel.
Maybe that was enough.
Laurelin Archives is MOVING!
Well, sort of— not exactly moving, but we’re growing! Laurelin Archives is extending its reach to include the Meriadoc server. This means that if you already have a character on Meriadoc, you’re now welcome to sign up with Laurelin Archives.
We deeply value the years of effort and dedication you’ve poured into your characters, and we’re committed to adapting quickly to ensure your hard work remains intact as we embrace this new chapter!
Thank you for all your support throughout the years & we are happy to hear of any suggestions you may bring forth!
"You can trust us to stick to you through thick and thin - to the bitter
end." -Meriadoc
On the Eve of Collision
Submitted by Ryheric on October 11th, 2023