Laurelin Archives is MOVING!

Well, sort of— not exactly moving, but we’re growing! Laurelin Archives is extending its reach to include the Meriadoc server. This means that if you already have a character on Meriadoc, you’re now welcome to sign up with Laurelin Archives.

We deeply value the years of effort and dedication you’ve poured into your characters, and we’re committed to adapting quickly to ensure your hard work remains intact as we embrace this new chapter!

Thank you for all your support throughout the years & we are happy to hear of any suggestions you may bring forth!
"You can trust us to stick to you through thick and thin - to the bitter
end." -Meriadoc

The Last Visit to Bree

Down the grapevine, Art the farmer made contact with Ryheric by way of the Breeish merchants in their market stalls. It was easy to track down supply and demand for farm supplies, including livestock.

Bree was a decent enough place to purchase poultry to begin a new flock. The birds in Bree were not unlike the local people, hardy and tough, yet still plush enough to serve a family dinner. The people of course, by serving it, the hens by providing enough eggs or meat.

The meeting was organised; Art would source a collection of fine hens and roosters so that Ryheric and the new settlers could choose exactly which creatures they would take with them to their budding village.

Meanwhile, Ryheric visited the Prancing Pony most days to check for any reply to his letter left there with Barliman. Or indeed, to check for the elusive recipient's presence in the flesh. Truly, they could have obtained chickens further afield in the direction Ryheric intended to travel, soon.

But Bree was where Brynleigh stayed, and he had come, above all else, meaning to see her.

Some music was played, some dancing was had. Chickens and farm-hands would be sought, to give the journey multi-purpose.

Soon he would travel too far afield for this to be so simple a visit.

There was a home to return to now, though. Or something like it. Ryheric considered himself outside of it; looking in. Making sure it could happen, ensuring the existence and flourishing of this new, quaint little village in the mountains. Meanwhile, he privately considered the unvisited state of his own intentions - not for any others, but for himself.

Dandy and Emmie spoke with him together for the first time in months. That dynamic between the three of them, with all their mistakes and playful freedom of speech, the ability to be themselves, was an unexpected relief. 

Then, he was able to go for a long ride with Winnie.

After the Great Eel Hunt, Winnie had, as often was the case, taken on the responsibility of greatest import. Aeldiet was alive thanks to her efforts. 

"They just don't see..."

Winnie had said to him, and Ryheric knew she was right. So much of what he and Winnie ensured for the group was - much like the peacefulness of Bree itself - enjoyed, and taken for granted. 

It didn't bother him. 'Thanks' in fact, often made him uneasy. Instead he found it fascinating. Like a trick to tell if 'peace' was real or not. If people had the luxury of worrying about small, inconsequential things, then it seemed to Ryheric they were very lucky, indeed.

The people of his clan were good folk, with so many different backgrounds and experiences. It seemed uncanny that they could find good company in one another; but that is precisely how it went. Life was strange, and wonderful.

For himself, he was only glad Aeldiet was alive. Seeing the man bend a bow secured the notion in Ryheric's heart that he would be alright. Winnie was at least for a little while, seen.

Love could exist invisibly, and without conditions. Winnie loved everyone in the clan beyond measure of words. The beat of Aeldiet's heart said more than words ever would about what Winnie had done for him.

She was not the clumsy newborn fawn flailing about anymore, nor was she the irrepressible badger.

She was a Swan mother; looking after her brood. Fierce, sometimes harsh with illogical wrath, yet soft of heart and full of grace in the big picture. Serene from afar. Ryheric knew that like him, she would die for every one of them.

Seeing her come into her grace over the several years he had known her, was something that could never be taken away. This journey to Bree was a time for Winnie to finally take some respite for herself.