It was early morning, mid-late spring. The sun shone, birds sang, the breeze came fresh through the air.
Ryheric was happily bathing in the river, floating on his back rather like a sea-otter, with his rusty razor in hand, flicking off splashes of water and cut beard hairs as he carved down the intrusive facial hair, contending with a generous day three stubble situation.
It was as he was flicking away the last tuft of shaved hair that he felt someone watching him. He turned in the water, having selected a private place to bathe, there was instant alertness. His weapons were on the bank.
Beady eyes settled onto him and in no time flat, a tidal wave of feathers and parting water rose up as something large, grey and feathery sped towards him like an amphibious comet.
It was Duck. Ryheric felt his guts jump into his chest, warring with fight or flight as he tried to screech the adrenaline to a halt before he murdered the incoming aggressive goose as she flapped and jetted across the water towards him.
Luckily the animal seemed to recognise him at the last moment. She halted her attack, glowered at him with her beady eyes. Flapped her wings indignantly, then paddled off like a serene, feathered canoe, downstream away from him, watching him sideways as she went, until she was out of sight.
Ryheric stood there in the chest deep water, staring after the crazy bird while his heart rate came down.