Before the Grey Company began their ride from Blackroot to Pelargir, Halbarad Dúnadan approached the sisters Eregiel and Calentauriel. He walked solemnly yet with purpose.
'Hail, ladies of the Golden Wood! The purpose of your long journey has been accomplished. The Grey Company shares your joy in the success of this mission. Now has come the time that we part ways for the Grey Company rides to war.'
Halbarad continued his speech.
'While we know that you are as valiant as any Man, it is not the custom of the Dúnedain to fight alongside ladies. We have left our wives and daughters at home. Observe that Lord Elrond, too, sends his sons to war while his daughter remains in Imladris. The Grey Company and its allies will soon face great peril. We do not wish to place you in harm's way.'
For a long moment Eregiel and Calentauriel said nothing. Finally Eregiel spoke, 'Sir, where do you advise we go?'
'Alas, the road to Lothlórien may prove too perilous for two alone. Yet, we are not so very far from the city of Prince Imrahil. The Prince and the Swan-knights of Dol Amroth will have also gone to war, but surely the Prince's daughter Lothíriel would welcome you gladly. She will need all the support she can muster in the days ahead. Farewell!'
Halbarad bowed, then turned and joined his companions.
Calentauriel looked to her sister and excitedly said, 'I have long desired to see the city of Dol Amroth. Let us go hither!' Eregiel smiled weakly, then nodded her head sadly in agreement.
No sooner had Halbarad left the the sisters when Elrohir and Elladan approached to bid them good-bye. Elladan took Calentauriel aside so that Elrohir might speak with Eregiel privately.
'My brother and I regret this parting, but hope we will meet again under happier circumstances,' said Elrohir.
'I regret that we did not finish the conversation we started in Imladris,' replied Eregiel. 'There are things I still wish to discuss.'
'Perhaps we can continue our conversation when you next visit Imladris?' asked Elrohir.
'Or when you visit the Golden Wood?' Eregiel said hopefully.
'It has been too long since Elladan and I stood beneath the mellyrn of my mother's homeland,' said Elrohir. 'My brother and I will look forward to it.'
'As will my sisters and I,' replied Eregiel. 'Namárië!'
Elrohir bowed and said 'Namárië' in return.
Calentauriel rejoined her sister while Elladan and his brother rejoined the Grey Company.
'You and Elrohir have grown close during this journey,' observed Calentauriel.
'Close, nésa?' answered Eregiel. 'I would not put it so.'
'No? How would you put it then?' asked Calentauriel.
Eregiel thought for a moment. 'I would simply say that we have enjoyed pleasant conversion.'
Calentauriel smiled to herself thinking, 'You may deceive yourself, nésa, but you cannot deceive me!'
At last the sisters mounted, then began their journey south to Dol Amroth.
~End of Part 8~