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"You can trust us to stick to you through thick and thin - to the bitter
end." -Meriadoc

A Finch's Journal: Entry 35

Well, this is it. We have finally come to the place that my parents probably never ever wanted me to come back to. 

Angmar is a strange place. Strange and perhaps terrifying; that is what I should probably write here. But I am an honest person so I will say it outright. I am not afraid of being here. In fact, I feel a strange sense of calm. Not that I enjoy being here at all but that feeling you get when you are anxious or afraid that makes your stomach hurt has not shown up yet. Well, maybe it did a little bit during that moment when Neth disappeared suddenly. And then again when we fought inside the tomb to get her back.

But other than that, as I look out over the tombs and graves that are all spread out across this place - Imlad Balchorth is what my friends have been calling it - I don't feel fear. I feel sadness. 

Where we are camping there are a lot of Dwarves. Lif did say that there were several outposts here that had Dwarves manning them. I think that the Dwarves dislike being here almost as much as anyone else does. Watching them go about guard duty makes me miss Bild, Maurr, Doc, Tiarvi, Byrge, and Tumunir something fierce! And I bet even the Lady Vigni would have a kind word to say that would cheer me up right quick. Would that I could write them another letter but there's no carrier that would come out this far and I will not be sending Galvra to do it after what happened to him the last time.

I think the only thing here that I truly dislike down to my core is the dreams. They all start out the exact same. I see nothing at first but I do hear someone singing. Well, humming more like. Some tune that I can't remember when I actually wake up. And then I see the branches of old, dead trees; white as bone as I pass by them, though I am not running. Someone else is carrying me. Lightning flashes across a red sky and there's the most unpleasant smell in the air, like sulfur. And then I am falling. Falling forever endlessly down past evilly lit torches and there is a man in a red robe standing atop of a black-stone tower looking down and laughing. And somewhere there's always the sound of crying.

And that is usually when I wake up. 

It has been happening every single night since we have crossed into this land but I don't want to worry everyone. Especially not Eduwiges. We're here to free her father after all. Nothing is more important than that. Though, if I am honest, I don't much trust her mother, Miss Daedre. Maybe it is just because of the life she has led, but she always acts like she has something to hide. I mean, she IS the Shadowslip and all, but even that sort of act feels like a cover for something else. I try not to worry overly much about it. Besides, as much as I don't really trust her, I think Calidis trusts her even less. She keeps a close watch on her, even when she's hiding.

I should end this here. Even though we're close to our goal, it looks like someone else we have met along the way has turned up. I should have known that Gerda would be here. I promise you, Drasia doesn't sleep at all! But evil never really sleeps in Angmar, does it?

[The ink here is smudged due to the hasty attempt to shut the journal before it had fully dried.]