Chapter 1
It was a clear day and the sun shone brightly upon the bridge of Rivendell. Irulian lingered at the edge, the water providing soothing music as it cascaded over the shallow pools and rocks.
“Irulian, a word please if I may?” She whirled around to see Elisbeth standing before her. She was striking in appearance and carried herself with the grace of the Valar, the leader of the Warband of Imladris.
“Yes of course Elisbeth what ails thee?” as she noted her face had suddenly turned to a more serious frame.
“We have received word from one of the scouts in the Northern High Pass within the Misty Mountains that Glorwen has not returned from a scouting mission. We are concerned for her well being, and need to know her fate”
Elisbeth continued “we would like you to assist in gathering this information and lending aid by whatever means you see fit, as you are blessed with powerful healing skills”
“Gather a small fellowship, no more than two, as strength in arms is not needed here. This task is most urgent as Lord Elrond seeks any information of the enemy within this High Pass”. Elisbeth studied the young elf standing before here and a smile began to form, “You have done well over the last few months since joining the Warband Irulian, but this will be your sternest test yet. I do not doubt you in this task”
Irulian paused for a mere second before responding “Thank you Elisbeth. This is my duty and I will gladly provide aid wherever it is required. I will not fail thee or the Warband”. She rummaged in her satchel and added, “However I must prepare some more healing potions and make other arrangements. I will return and gather fellow travellers within the hour”
The sound whistling through the mountains created eerie echoes and faint whispers could be heard as if enticing errant travellers this way and that. As the snowfall increased shapes appeared to move before Irulian and her companions. The three of them made slow and deliberate progress around a blind bluff, the hunters flanking Irulian slowed until stopping totally and peered through the wall of snow.
“We can not tarry here, the snow almost blinds our passage” shouted Irulian to her companions. “Giants dwelt here long ago ‘tis said and this place is evil – Starkhath is its name”
“Wait a moment Irulian, I sense something, these shapes are not images of the mountains but are living and breathing creatures, their stench fills my nostrils” recounted the hunter Fealanor, “ready yourself for battle, Headreald will flank the other side, you will stop any coming through here”
At that moment deep growling could be heard and it intensified as more sounds added to the clamour. Indeed the moving shapes were wargs, the two hunters felled several beasts before the eye could blink. Irulian upon seeing this gathered her runes and placed a healing stone and draught for all to replenish their strength. Footsteps behind caught her by surprise, a warg its mouth open, breath terrible in smell and eyes of yellow pierced the snow. Irulian fell into a silent reverie and called upon her runes, the elements at her command and bidding – she felled the warg in one swift move. The two hunters continued there passage east and more wargs fell under their bow.
Chapter 2
Harsh voices pierced the wind and snow fall suddenly, the group as one fell still and no one moved. The sound of the voice was unmistakeable – goblins, their foul talk and stench an unsightly blemish on the virgin snow, now abating slightly.
Fealanor motioned to the group to remain silent but encouraged all to move slowly to a small rise near an outcrop of rocks. They all gathered close and peered over the outcrop. Astonishment greeted the group; Irulian looked in horror and bewilderment, great machines of war using the foul dark arts laid before them and goblins tended them as they looked over the scene. More of the foul creatures could be seen entering the small cove they gazed upon.
“We must return with all haste to Imladris, Elisbeth must know of what we see here, it is of great import we do not fail” stated Irulian to the two hunters.
They moved steadily away from the outcrop and retraced their steps, but as they did so, something caught the eye of Headreald.
“Irulian, quick we have found a sign” shouted Headreald. The group moved silently and quickly through a small ravine. There at the side of a small tree was Glorwen’s bow and cloak.
The group knelt in silent prayer at the grim finding; Irulian looked across to the bleak skyline, tears formed in her eyes that blinded her momentarily. “At last we know of the fate of Glorwen” she gently said amongst the group, “but her death will not be in vain. The foul creatures that now inhabit this High Pass will soon fear the full might and force of the Warband of Imladris, this I promise”
“This is grave news indeed Irulian, the sad loss of any kin is hard to take, but you have felt it all the more keenly as you have not known death before” Elisbeth said sympathetically. “Glorwen is now at peace, please now that as the truth and she did not die in vain”
“This new information regarding the enemies movements and new stronghold will be passed onto Lord Elrond, you have done well Irulian in getting this information to us, as I knew all along”, Elisbeth allowed a warm smile to form as she looked at the young scholars studious face.
“My wish has only been to serve the Warband and aid whenever called upon, but you are correct I have felt this keenly and it leaves me with great anger” said Irulian “the evil I have seen over the past few days will know no respite as long I draw breath”