Company back in Bree.....

It was a good day in Bree. Sun was shining on the market square as the company entered, their carts and packs with wares behind them. Amaken and others passed through the south gate with people watching with interest as they stop and set their stands near the Boar fountain. He looked quickly at everyone's faces. Everyone was in somewhat good mood, as it was the first organized market in a long time. FurleyAltheric and Deorla began to talk to organize where everyone should stand. Wandering bard Raveyn was hired to provide music for the market to bring more people in. As he was taking out his weapons to show on the counter, Anastasiar came to him for a moment. "Good luck", she said, giving him a quick kiss. 

Tannos, Amaken, Beiradoc, DeorlaAnastasiar and a dwarf named Hrondis stood behind their stands. Altheric and Tannos stood guard. Furley took position in the center, guiding potential customers. And so, the market began.

As people started to walk through the square, some stayed to look. Then, they started to talk with company's merchants. Everyone took care of their customers and first coins started to fill the company's earnings. He could see smile slowly appearing on Furley's face as market became more crowded. Men, elves, hobbits and dwarves, all came to check what Company is selling. Food, jewelry, armour and other things, both crafted and imported, began to sell. All under watchful eye of Altheric and Tannos who regularly stood guard to prevent any bad accidents.

After a moment, a member of the Watch came to his stand. "Greetings. Do you have any daggers to sell ?" he asked, looking at his selection. "The Watch does not provide a ....... good selection" he added. Amaken nodded and began suggesting specific wares. After a long talk about current events and a bit of haggling, Amaken, suggested a Rohan-style made blade. He was particularly hopeful that one'll sell, since he based it on design he saw on Company's trip to Rohan. Watchman took the blade in his hands, making few mock swings and thrusts to check blade's weight and balance. He noded in approval as blade met his standard.

"It feels like it's made of air. Great craftmanship" he said, still holding the dagger. Amaken held a sigh of relief in his mind, his attempt to replicate Rohan weaponsmith style succesful. "How much ?" watchman asked, looking at him. "1 gold" he replied without hesitation. Watchman whistled at the price for a moment. "That's a bit steep" he replied, looking at the dagger again. "Surely, you can drop it a bit ?" he added.

Amaken thought for a moment and had an idea. "Then how about a deal, then ?" he asked with a slight smile. "You said yourself that Watch does not have a good selection of daggers. I would be willing to give a slight discount if you spread a good word among the Watch. Company is always willing to sign new deals to provide what we can." He points his hand at the dagger he's holding. "You see what quality of weaponry we sell. "

Watchman began to smile "Agreed !" he said immediately. "I'll be sure to contact my men". With a handshake, his first, although informal, business contract was reached. Terms agreed, dagger was sold at 850 silver coins, discount well worth the result.

As time went on, many other people entered and left, some buying, some trying to haggle and some just having a look. Such is the charm of market, you can sell everything or nothing. Many people went by Amaken's stand, and soon he found himself with a good amount of earnings. Anastasiar got him a drink as she walked around the market, encouraging people to take a look and looking after merchants. 

Many people associated with the company attended as well. Amaken recognized a trio of elven ladies who walked through the stands. Lady Harthagil, Seregrian and Anurania, all of them dressed  exquisitely for the occasion, came to each stand to have a chat with merchants and others. They of course came to Amaken's stand as well, where most of the time they asked about what the Company was up to. Lady Marganil even bought a two-handed sword, although Amaken felt it was more to help the Company rather than actual need. Not that Amaken minded. Lady Anurania didn't have such luck with finding a matching knife to her throwing set. He will remember to include throwing knives of different materials to his stands in the future.

After a somewhat strange, yet funny experience of a pair of hobbits wanting to buy a cartwheel at a weaponsmith stand, which was definitely a prank on behalf of others, Amaken began slowly to pack his wares. Market was a resounding success, everyone in good spirits. 

If every market will be like this one going forward, Company of the East Road is sure to be remembered in the future for years to come....