Mortals: A Case Study (Conclusions)
Torech Besruth, Falathlorn, Lindon
29 Hrívë in the Reckoning of Imladris
Cutch is gone.
Even as I write those words, the disbelief and numbness is setting in like smoke and ash. I knew in my mind that a parting would be inevitable, and my heart had resolved to live the days in their joy and not brooding on impending loss. But that loss was supposed to be in some far-off future - not just before Yule, after only three months of living in this euphoria, and with only the most meager word and explanation for his vanishing.
I have re-read the entries in this journal over again, beginning to present. I find no flaws in my logic's progression in the beginning, but I can plainly see the decay of that logic over the course of time. The recorded application of logic and reason, and my ages-long intellect, all proceeding from a false assumption: that I could feel, express, and luxuriate in the emotion of love - and expect the same in return.
The only positive thing I have gained from these last three months is that I have positively proven, for time and eternity, the true nature of Mortals. Treachery, duplicity, deception, selfishness, corruption of both their bodies and their hearts - these and all other concepts the Firimar cannot deny.
I gave myself over to a grave self-delusion. I shall not be guilty of that again.
Let my Lair be purged of any reminder of this Mortal and his dwelling here, any evidence of his very existence at all.
Let this record stand as testimony to the inferiority of the baseborn children of Men and the pestilence that follows hard in their wake. I shall not keep this record in my own book-hoard; it shall be deposited in the Scholar's Enclave at Duillond, there to gather dust and mould, and itself to crumble into dust like the Mortals of which it speaks.
As I stand outside beneath the vault of Elbereth, I curse Vairë and her weaving this Mortal's thread with mine. I gaze upon my manor and a new thought comes to mind.
Torech Besruth, the "Bitch's Lair". I shall live up to that name, from this night on.
Thus concludes this study. Thus I sign my name