Laurelin Archives is MOVING!
Well, sort of— not exactly moving, but we’re growing! Laurelin Archives is extending its reach to include the Meriadoc server. This means that if you already have a character on Meriadoc, you’re now welcome to sign up with Laurelin Archives.
We deeply value the years of effort and dedication you’ve poured into your characters, and we’re committed to adapting quickly to ensure your hard work remains intact as we embrace this new chapter!
Thank you for all your support throughout the years & we are happy to hear of any suggestions you may bring forth!
"You can trust us to stick to you through thick and thin - to the bitter
end." -Meriadoc
The Silent Pilgrims

Website | |
Founding date | 2023 |
Goal | The Restoration of Arnor |
Main area of operations | Cardolan |
Kinship type | Mixed |
Friends/Allies | |
Rivals/Enemies | Men of Darkness, Orcs, Brigands, and Tomb-robbers |
Kinship status | Active and recruiting |
Recruiting Officer(s) |

"Et Eärello Endorenna utúlien. Sinomë maruvan ar Hildinyar tenn' Ambar-metta." - Elendil in his coming to Middle-Earth
Out of the west came the Dúnedain, sundered from their home and great sea-love. They came as lords to Middle-Earth, and were kings among men. Yet evil crept, as is its wont, and crumbled the pillars that held the mighty kingdoms of men. Arnor first fell, to its own infighting and kin-strife. Leaving only the Three Kingdoms intact, which too fell, to the might of Angmar's ferocious tenacity. A pyrrhic victory was scored in the defeat of Angmar, for Arnor's remnants scattered, and became the Dúnedain of the North. Led not by a king, but by a Chieftain, heralded as the Heir of Isildur.
Now the Dúnedain their sleepless vigil, keep. Haunted by memories of ancestors long dead, and a barren home that once held stone floors a-shining. Silent Pilgrims they are, quiet in their footfall, yet not thieves in the night. Nor criminals slinking in and out of towns. They are noble men, great and fair. Friend to elf, and to man. Skilled in language, history, and wood-lore. The Dúnedain long awaited their return to glory, and this return did come, with the return of the king, Aragorn, Heir of Isildur. Following his wedding ceremony, he gathered the surviving members of Grey Company for a great errand. The North Kingdom need be restored, and made ready for the coming of the King.
At the dawn of the Fourth Age, the Dúnedain were greeted with a warm reminder of their King's care. For he saw in Arnor a chance to restore what was once lost and again rebuild for a greater future. He made clear to his people this goal, through an edict born by Gondorian messengers, replicated by the Rangers to spread to their people:
On the last day of Summer in the *Ink blots out this word* Year of the Fourth Age in the Tower of Ecthelion, I, King Elessar Telcontar, with the consideration of my Steward and Great Council, do now hereby proclaim the Reunification of the Realms in Exile.
For too long have the people in the North been sundered from their kinsmen in the South, and left all Men to suffer for it! In Arnor, this sundering has brought the waning of craft and citizenry, and in Gondor the decay of old lore. Now, in these days of newfound peace, we must as healers bind old wounds and make the Realms indivisible again as has only once occurred in the long history of the world. Therefore, I make this proclamation to you, my beloved subjects, which you are bound to follow and to circulate by no less than your love for the betterment of all who dwell in the North.
Firstly, I, with the consideration of my Steward and Great Council, do now hereby declare the full restoration of the Royal Road and all its bridges and passes, whereby the conveyance of trade and culture between the realms of Arnor and Gondor will be made safe and easy again. In this great labour, the Dúnedain of the North will be given full aid by the king’s treasury and his alliances with Durin’s Folk and others of the Free Peoples.
Secondly, I, with the consideration of my Steward and the Great Council, do now hereby declare the resettlement of the territory once named Cardolan, whose boundaries reach north unto the East Road and south unto the coast of the Sundering Seas, so that the lands about the Royal Road may be made healthful and populous again. This will be done by the return of the Dúnedain to these lands, whereby they will steward them and give much of them over to be tilled by the multitudes of houseless men that now wander the North, who will be made inhabitants thereof.
Nai Eru mantua le.
Who are we?
The Silent Pilgrims is a Dúnadan only kin. We do character-based RP with a focus in the ambiguous 'early fourth age'. We also run plots during pre-war and post-war (3019-3021 TA) time periods. The kin's name refers to the Dúnedain of the North, our main demographic. The kin is informal IC, referring mainly to the in-lore organization that is the Rangers of The North. We are focused on the region of Cardolan, and ambient 'slice-of-life' RP within the region, as we progress through rebuilding.
Who are we looking for?
Dúnedain RPers in the NA timezones. Events are held throughout the week, primarily during NA-friendly times. We have several EU players, however, and would appreciate events catering to that demographic as well. We are looking for high-quality roleplayers, who are dedicated to their characters and telling compelling stories.
What do we offer?
We offer lore-accurate and game-friendly Dunedain RP. We place a heavy emphasis on achieving the tone of J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord Of The Rings with our roleplay. We offer a novel map system that includes event hooks placed upon it bimonthly. These map hooks contribute to the kin's overarching story involving rebuilding and resettling in the Fourth Age. Any member is welcome to host these hooks, or participate in them. We often connect our posts to the Roleplayers of Laurelin discord server to achieve more in-world RP. We often connect to other groups of people in the region.
- Discord
- IC Trial RP
- Register to this site and apply:
Leader: Aranarion
Credit to: Enniliel for banner and emblem. Erenior for border images.