Laurelin Archives is MOVING!

Well, sort of— not exactly moving, but we’re growing! Laurelin Archives is extending its reach to include the Meriadoc server. This means that if you already have a character on Meriadoc, you’re now welcome to sign up with Laurelin Archives.

We deeply value the years of effort and dedication you’ve poured into your characters, and we’re committed to adapting quickly to ensure your hard work remains intact as we embrace this new chapter!

Thank you for all your support throughout the years & we are happy to hear of any suggestions you may bring forth!
"You can trust us to stick to you through thick and thin - to the bitter
end." -Meriadoc

Where Now Are the Dúnedain? - Prologue

The Sun was just beginning her climb above the mountains in the East when the Ranger began his trek down the winding way into the Vale of Imladris. He shivered in the cold wind which swept down from off the moors, his breath making small clouds which were quickly scattered. He pulled his cloak closer about him and patted the neck of his horse. 'Soon,Barandir,' he said softly, 'you will have a sturdy stable and warm mash, and I will have a hot bath and a wall between me and this wind.' The horse nickered and shook his head as they continued their way into the valley of the Bruinen. As they crossed the bridge over the river, the Ranger caught sight of Elves dancing beneath the bare branches of the trees and singing amid the snow-covered glades. He smiled in spite of the cold as he rode slowly towards the Last Homely House. The music and joy of the residents of the Valley never failed to ease his heart of weariness, even in the dead of winter.

He was met by one of the stewards of the House as he came to the porch and handed Barandir's reins to a waiting porter. 'Mae govannen, Dúnadan!'the Elf said. 'It is well that you have come. Lord Elrond has need of your kin for an errand of some urgency. When our scouts brought word of your approach, he asked that you attend him in the Hall of Fire as soon as you may.' The Man lowered his hood and sighed, running a hand through his dark hair. 'Very well, Pethelen,' he said finally. 'It will not do to keep my lord uncle waiting.'

The Hall of Fire was empty save for three Elves standing deep in conversation before the hearths at the far end. As the Ranger drew near, he recognised the figures of the Lord of Rivendell and his twin sons. The ellyn turned from their conversation as he drew near the steps leading to the hearths and bowed in greeting to Elrond. 'Welcome and well met,Calonimir Amfaronion,' the Elf-lord said gravely. 'It has been long as Men count the years since you last visited Imladris, but it is good that you have come now. I have received messages, messages which closely concern all of my brother's descendants.' Calonimir looked at Elrond in surprise. 'I thank you, lord, for your welcome, but I fail to see how I can truly be of service. But, if there are any messages to be borne, I will certainly do my part.' The Elf-lord nodded. 'That is well, child. Do you know of the Company who set out secretly in Girithon?' At the Ranger's nod, he continued. 'We know they stayed for a time in Lothlórien, healing from their hurts. They have moved on from the safety of that land, sailing down the river Anduin with all secrecy.'

Elrond paused for a moment, looking between his sons and Calonimir. Finally, he said,'This is the message I received from Galadriel of Lórien two days ago: “Aragorn has need of his kindred. Let the Dúnedain ride to him in Rohan.”' The Lord of Imladris shook his head in consternation. 'What is Aragorn doing in Rohan? None of the plans we discussed should have brought him there!' Elrohir raised a hand slightly to calm his father. 'If Daernaneth says Aragorn is in Rohan, Adar, he surely is, or will be.'


Elrond sighed softly and nodded. 'That is so. We must gather the Dúnedain, the Rangers of Eriador. You must do this, Calonimir.' The Man started at those words. 'I will not refuse, lord, but I ask: why me? Would it not be better to send those of your own house?' The Lord of Imladris shook his head gravely. 'No, child. You know the roads and paths of Eriador better than any in my house. You must bring this news to the Rangers.It is time for your kin to uphold their oaths. They will become the Grey Company, and ride to the aid of their Chieftain. You, too, shall ride with them.' Calonimir nodded, but said nothing. Elrond looked at him thoughtfully for a moment before saying, 'Very well. I will meet you in the library to discuss this charge.'

The sons of Elrond bowed in farewell to their father as he and the Ranger walked to the library in silence. The Elves they passed in the halls and courts bowed respectfully to their lord and his guest, but did not importune them with questions. Once in the seclusion of his private library,Elrond turned to Calonimir. 'It will not be easy to gather your people as quickly as must be done, Calonimir. It would be best for you to bring the message to certain of Aragorn's kin, that they may then speak to the rest of your kin, rather than have you seek out each of your cousins.'

The Ranger nodded in understanding. 'That seems wise, uncle. I will follow the Road and speak with those who are near to it, but I deem it most important that I tell Lord Halbarad of this summons. If I know my lord cousin,he will not hesitate to heed our Chieftain's call. On my way, I can tell Candaith and Saeradan of the summons. They can send word to those of my kin watching the Shire, Bree, and Annúminas.' Elrond smiled. 'That seems sound, child. However, there is no need for you to ride to Esteldín. Word has come to me that Halbarad is visiting the villages of your people in the Angle, seeing to their defence.'As the Man nodded gratefully, Elrond continued. 'There is one more I would have you seek ere you cross the Methiant. My sons tell me that the Ranger Radanir has come to Thorenhad, in the Trollshaws. Radanir is humourless, but he is peerless as a scout, in addition to his herblore. My heart tells me that such will be needed on your journey south.'

Elrond's face softened somewhat as he saw the weariness evident in Calonimir's posture. 'Your plan seems sound, nephew,' he said kindly. 'Now go and rest. You are weary from your journeys, and you will need to set out again soon. Take your ease this day and set out again on the morrow.Your accustomed room has been made ready.' The Ranger sighed with relief. 'Thank you, lord, for your kindness and hospitality. I can only hope that I prove the equal of the task you have set me.' The Lord of Imladris laid his hand gently on the Man's head. 'I am certain that you shall, child. Now, go to your rest, and worry not. Valar valuvar.' With that blessing, Calonimir silently bowed in farewell and left the library, seeking a warm bath and a hot meal.