Laurelin Archives is MOVING!

Well, sort of— not exactly moving, but we’re growing! Laurelin Archives is extending its reach to include the Meriadoc server. This means that if you already have a character on Meriadoc, you’re now welcome to sign up with Laurelin Archives.

We deeply value the years of effort and dedication you’ve poured into your characters, and we’re committed to adapting quickly to ensure your hard work remains intact as we embrace this new chapter!

Thank you for all your support throughout the years & we are happy to hear of any suggestions you may bring forth!
"You can trust us to stick to you through thick and thin - to the bitter
end." -Meriadoc


Kalmuren Stoneweald

Name Kalmuren
Veteran Miner - Fighter - Advisor to the Reclamation
Currently residing within the Prancing Pony
Outward Appearance


Physical Appearance: Kalmuren is a stout and sturdy fellow, standing tall for a dwarf at four foot three inches supported by a semi-muscular build, tarnished only by the sign of a gut protruding over his midriff. He has a long beard of an autumnal shade, platted in several places as is his custom. He is a proud dwarf, which shows in his stature and general presence. Attention could very well be drawn to him on the account of his booming voice, which can be heard in song when it takes his fancy. He is by all means a kind dwarf, with large blue eyes and many laughing lines about his features. He is very approachable and friendly, but is quick to temper should he be insulted or wronged in any way.


Titles and Aliases: The dwarf has no titles of substance, other than a friendly nickname affectionately given to him by his mining kin being 'The Stoneweald', on the account his his unparalleled skill in the game of bowls.


Distinguishing Features: There are little to no noticeable injuries about the dwarf, however the skin upon his hands is rough and coarse, often with minor blisters on the account of his mining trade.


Education: Kalmuren was taught how to mine from an early age and has continued to perfect his craft in prospecting. He is familiar with a basic level of literacy, but is by no means an academic. The main source of his knowledge comes from hard graft.


Languages Spoken: Dwarvish, Westron and crude Elvish.


Preferred Weaponry: In time of conflict, the dwarf relies on his brute strength to protect him from danger. To that end, he fashions a pair of steel gauntlets, allowing him to block an unfriendly swing and provide a forceful punch in reply.


Special Abilities/Skills: Other than that aforementioned, there is nothing remarkable about the dwarf other than his skill in playing musical instruments. He is a dab hand with a lute and proving promising with a fiddle.


At home in the caves and caverns of dwarven lands, Kalmuren is very much a typical dwarf. From an early age he followed his father Arnulf into the profession of prospecting and developed a deep and meaningful passion for precious metals and stone. He was a natural in the trade and thrived in the deepest and darkest places of the world, furthering the wealth of his people. His love for his kin is fierce, and he would do anything to preserve and protect the legacy of Durin-folk throughout Middle-Earth.

When war came to The Lonely Mountain, Kalmuren set aside his pickaxe and took the mantle of a fighter. Despite his mother’s concern, he offered himself to the cause and trained hard to become a formidable combatant. He fought bravely during the War of the Ring and pledged to rid the land of corruption and evil so that peace may be resumed.

Peace however was hard won and difficult to maintain. When an expedition into Moria was announced, Kalmuren answered the call. It was a dangerous venture, but the prospect of finding mithril was too great to ignore. Using his skill in mining, he became an advisor to the reclamation and ventured from the East to the ancestral home of the dwarves, where he dwelt for some time.

Kalmuren often travels and has many tales to tell around a campfire or hearth. At present, he is currently situated in the township of Bree to seek further kin and help where he can towards the preservation of dwarven kind.

Many in the making.
Arnulf (Father) Bertha (Mother) Kelsa (Sister) Eberardus Stoutmantle (Distant Cousin)
The goblins that continue to plague dwarven settlements.
He enjoys mead, cheer and song above all else. Spending most of his free time within the nearest Inn.
The goblins that continue to hold dominion over dwarvern lands vex him greatly.
To aid the reclamation of Moria and re-establish the flow of mithril to his people.
"It's that old chestnut"

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