Laurelin Archives is MOVING!

Well, sort of— not exactly moving, but we’re growing! Laurelin Archives is extending its reach to include the Meriadoc server. This means that if you already have a character on Meriadoc, you’re now welcome to sign up with Laurelin Archives.

We deeply value the years of effort and dedication you’ve poured into your characters, and we’re committed to adapting quickly to ensure your hard work remains intact as we embrace this new chapter!

Thank you for all your support throughout the years & we are happy to hear of any suggestions you may bring forth!
"You can trust us to stick to you through thick and thin - to the bitter
end." -Meriadoc


Guriwen (Guri)

Name Guriwen
Wymlin, Bree
Outward Appearance

Guriwen is a lively blonde who seems to have an unending fountain of  energy, Her straight hair is cut sensibly short to keep it away from her harp, or lute strings. She is thin and not given to the bright clothes some minstrel's are fond of, preferring a muted blue instead. Her light blue eyes sparkle with mischievous energy and her voice is soft, and melodious,


Guriwen hails from Dale where she grew her with her mother, and father, and younger sister, Svanvhit. Her father adored children and carved all sorts on fanciful toys and items for the children of Dale.His shop was a place of wonder and joy,  and did much to shape Guri's rosy outlook on life. Her father carved her first harp, then is her most cherished possession. Not long after, she was playing and singing at the local inn and among patrons in  the busy town square. Her mother was less patient with her eldest daughter, and often shouted for her, while the young bard was playing. In fact, she often tells people, "You can call me Guri, or Guriwen, but I will always think of my mother shrieking that full name!" For everything her father was, full of joy, light and support, her mother was the opposite, and Guri lived a life as cook, housekeeper and child rearer from an early age. In her mother's defense this was partly due to her suffering from a wasting disease, which caused her pain and made life miserable for her. Soon Guri was also tending her mother as a patient until she died suddenly one winter. 

Her father died soon after, and in spite of their seemingly opposite natures, was probably from a broken heart. So it fell to Guri to become her sister's guardian. She took her to a safe place,  but away from the pain of the place they had grown up. Settling outside of Bree, and she now can be seen standing on the large rock outside of Pony, her clear and sometimes playful songs cheering those coming to Bree.

Guriwen can be outspoken, sassy and sometimes shy, when handsome men are about. She sometimes says little, listening to those around her, her pretty face placid and patient. She has only a close circle of friends, but, often plays for them, singing her eccletic mix of songs that range from ballads to songs about the people or places most in Bree know. She has not found someone to share her wanderlust, or the depth of her heart, but is finally able to live her life as she wishes, now that her sister is grown and the constraints she had to her life she is finally free.  

Elezzra, Pedroas, Heligin, Gilling, Tarnon, Tivlyn, Ribon
Svanvhit Sister
Animals, heartfelt compliments, lyrics or music that evoke a feeling, places that take your breath away
People who abuse others or animals, people who adapt the truth to suit their own petty games, and those who take advantage of kindness.
Guri wanders to seek the emotional or inspirational feelings for her songs. She plays music to help provide comfort, to others or insight for the about what she is feeling. The words to the songs she sings, mean something!
Yet dawn is ever the hope of Men~~Aragorn Elessar

Guriwen's Adventures

Guri and the Swan 2 weeks 1 day ago
Guri and The Swan 1 month 2 weeks ago
Guriwen's Adventures

Guriwen's Gallery

Guriwen's Gallery