
Speckles "Troublemaker" Tookburrow

Name Speckles
Carpenter, Woodworker, Cartographer and Illustrator at the Bramblebury Gazette
6 Harrow, Oldfurlong
the Grand order of the Lost Mathom
Outward Appearance

Speckles is about 3 feet tall. He has a round friendly face which is covered with freckles. His ears are slightly pointed. He has burgony curly hair which he preferres to wear in a ponytail behind his head. Unlike many other Hobbits he has a rather muscular build from the tummy upwards. His legs are short and his feet are covered with dark and curly hairy.  He has a love for shiney heroic armours and earthen colours.



Speckles working on a new map!




Race/Ethnicity:  Fallohide


Skin Tone:  Slightly tanned


Height: 3 feet 8 inches


Build: Speckles helped build alot of good furniture!


Eyes:  Blue with a greenish flow


Hair:  Curly dark burgony hair tied behind his head in a short ponytail.


Marks: Speckles has freckles and a lot of them!


Languages spoken: Westron


Weapon of choice: Bow


Occupation: Carpenter / woodworker by origin


Special Abilities/Skills: Loves playing wooden instruments and cartography



Because of his love for adventures and traveling, Speckles is seen as rather mischievous and a troublemaker by the other inhabbitants of Tuckborough.


" The Road goes ever on and on

Down from the door where it began.    

Now far ahead the Road has gone,    

And I must follow, if I can,    

Pursuing it with eager feet,    

Until it joins some larger way    

Where many paths and errands meet.    

And whither then? I cannot say"



While singing these lines from his favorite song, Speckles gathers the last suplies from his home in the Shire.

The Tookburrows have always been frowned upon by their neighbours. Comming from the poorer branch of the family (hence the spelling of the surname) and their love for a good adventure and stories gave them a certain reputation. His parents always motivated him to read, study and explore new things.


"Never let the Shire boundaries bind you, follow your heart"


Thats what his father used to tell him and with a heart as big as his for exploration, he had a lot to follow. When he was just a little lad he, more the once, got caught on Gerebert's Farm dressing up the scarecrow as a knight to "practise his bow and sword skills" His endeavours soon gave him the title "Troublemaker".

But that was back in the days when old Bilbo told his stories during the feasts in Hobbiton. Lest not forget Gandalf showing his fireworks. Those days have passed now. Bilbo has left the Shire and so did his nephew Frodo. Rumours say that both of them followed Gandalf on another adventure.

So no more stories told by others to enjoy, the time has come to have some adventures and write some stories of his own. Black riders have been spotted patrolling the boundaries of the Shire. The time to investigate has come. Maybe he could pick up the trail Frodo left behind?! First stop, the Green Dragon in Bywater!


" The Road goes ever on and on

Down from the door where it began..."

< The story continues on me own burrow...>


Pennywort Rosamundi Tibba Simbo and everyone in the Order
Traveling - Adventures - Music - Stories - Crafting
Lies - Laziness - Evilness
The world around us is changing. Either we actively try to effect those changes to our liking or we idly sit back and let those changes overwhelm us. I'm not idle.
The Road goes ever on and on, down from the door where it began. Now far ahead the Road has gone, And I must follow, if I can.

Speckles's Adventures

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Speckles's Adventures

Speckles's Gallery

Speckles's Gallery