Born amidst the Greenwood
Tanathon was born in the early Third Age, in the western glens of the Emyn Duir, part of the great forest of Greenwood, which was then yet untouched by the shadow that would later darken it into Mirkwood. From a young age, he was enchanted by the beauty of his homeland and the ancient tales of his people. A deep love for lore, stories, and the natural world grew within him, and he developed a profound appreciation for both the unspoiled landscapes and the artistry of the Eldar. As a child, he was drawn to the songs and wisdom of the past, spending much time exploring the forests and learning the lore of his people.
The Darkening and the Departure
As the shadow of Sauron spread, Tanathon became increasingly disturbed by the growing oppression of his homeland. Eventually around the year 1000 of the Third Age, their King Thranduil, wary of the growing darkness, led his people northwards and even ordered the construction of underground halls for their safety. To Tanathon, the thought of retreating underground was stifling, and the once-open woodland realm was slowly transforming into a denser, more secretive land, no longer the Greenwood of his youth. Unwilling to live beneath the earth or within an ever-darkening forest, he chose instead to seek broader horizons. The call of his ancestors, the Sindar of old, stirred within him, and he yearned to see the lands where they had once dwelled.
Crossing the Anduin into Lórien
His path took him first to Lothlórien, a realm that had long shared ties with Greenwood. It was not unfamiliar to him, for he had traveled there before as a messenger or envoy in better times when the bonds and trade between the two Silvan realms were still strong and well maintained. Now, however, he arrived not as a guest eventually returning home, but as one seeking to forge new ties and walking a new path. They welcomed him and there beneath the golden canopy Tanathon was allowed to dwell.