Order of the White Flame

Founding date
Being social, having and sharing fun in all kinds of ways
Main area of operations
Cape of Belfalas, as well as all other areas for concerts, events and fighting
Kinship type
Kinship status
Dormant (not recruiting)
Recruiting Officer(s)


Order of the White Flame is one of the oldest kinships on the Laurelin server, a kinship based on friendships. We offer a casual and helpful environment and the opportunity to take part in the many activities the game has to offer!

In Order of the White Flame we want kin like minded fellows who like to have fun and don’t mind taking part in discussions going on in kin-chat. It is recommended to be vocal from the start as it will help you fit in and make friends.

Our rules in very short are: To be nice and helpful, to be vocal and social, and to join in activities as much as possible. We are a mature kinship with several members who are still active from when the kinship started. OOC: Most of our members are of age 30+, but we welcome all people as long as you are mature and feel comfortable.

When joining our kinship you will have the best opportunity to make new friends, fight in all kinds of instances, and get help when needed.

We have a kinship band called "The White Flames", and we welcome all to take part if they so wish. Trincia and Aifel are the leaders of the band, and with a core of 6 members The White Flames play on concerts, events, parties, or just for fun. The White Flames on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtJFnlE7hKDfHRBkS8n6oQA

We do both casual and organized instance runs on all levels.

Lynith is the current leader since January 2017. Previous leaders have been Trincia, Aifel, Daravon, Mythradin, Khandaris and Damika. Current officers are Aifel, Trincia, Finsamidor, Arvaile, Wuwie and Khaeowyn.


Aifel Aifel of Lorien Elf

Adventures by Members

Images by Members